Chapter 11: Totally Just Friends

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Music plays through the car, uplifting our mood as we take the short drive to school. Nat pulls into the faculty lot and then parks in the designated principal's spot that's near the back door to the office.

"Wow, you get a great parking spot! I might just carpool with you every day." I say jokingly, stepping out of the car to get my bag from the backseat. Natalie rolls her eyes as she picks up her bag from the backseat as well and locks the car.

"Maybe you wouldn't be chronically late anymore." She responds and my jaw drops as if her comment offended me. Her sweet laugh fills the air as I walk by her side to the back door. "But you're welcome to catch a ride with my as long as you're staying at my house." She says, unlocking the office door and allowing me inside before her.

"Hey thanks for allowing me to stay with you last night." I tell her, knowing that I've already thanked her but I want her to understand how much it means to me that her and I are close. "And also for the tutoring this morning, let's hope I pass that exam today." I chuckle, making her grin as she unlocks her office door and pushes me into the dark room. I stand by the door and watch as she walks around the desk.

"No problem. But if you do pass, you owe me." She says, turning her head to wink at me as she places her bag on the large desk. I raise my eyebrow and cross my arms, assuming a challenging stance.

"Yeah? What will I owe you Mrs Rocher?" I ask teasingly, looking her up and down. She scoffs and gives me a warning look, opening her bag and looking away from me as she thinks.

"Well why don't you pass the exam first and we can deliberate the payment later." She speaks, not looking up from her bag as she pulls out some paperwork she completed last night before my arrival.

"Deliberate," I repeat, walking around the desk to stand closer to her. She glances at me and attempts to hide a smile. "You are smarter than you look Natalie Rocher, using big girl words." I taunt, dragging my index finger down her jaw. I can see her body tense so I move back, looking at her carefully.

"Why don't you go on to your first hour, the bell will ring in a few minutes. I swear if you get sent here for being late again I will kick your ass." She jokes, pushing my shoulder softly. I laugh quietly and assure her that I'll be back later in the day before stepping out of her office and walking to my first class.


"So have you guys fucked yet? If you say no, I'm literally going to her office and telling her you guys need to bone cause you need to get laid." Jodie says, taking a bite of her apple and looking at me expectantly. Thank god Emily isn't here yet or she would probably scream at Jodie to shut her mouth.

"We haven't fucked." I admit with a shrug. Jodie stands up angrily and stomps in the direction of the front office. I almost fall out of my seat as I get up to stop her. She yells at me to let her go and I drag her back to the table, trying to ignore the judgmental looks from other students around us.

"Why the hell- let me go-" I let go of her and she smooths out her clothes before sitting down next to me. "Why the hell haven't y'all fucked?" Jodie asks, both her and Morgan staring me down like I'm some piece of meat.

"If it makes you feel any better, she hasn't fucked her husband either." I say with a smile and Jodie nudges my arm, smirking at me.

"Does it make you feel better?" Morgan asks, raising an eyebrow. He sips on some juice and waits patiently for me to respond. I scoff at both of my friends and sigh before speaking.

"Please, I have nothing to be jealous about. Natalie and I are just friends." I say which makes my friends burst out in laughter. I groan and rub my temples. "Don't we have something else to talk about?" I ask impatiently, waiting for them to stop laughing.

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