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-On board the Nemesis-

"What is this place? It smells funny..." you thought to yourself as you were carried by Shockwave down the long, dark corridor.

Your long tail twitched in annoyance when your side burned with pain. You glanced up at Shockwave, but he only stared forward. "Figures... he doesn't remember me at all." You sighed, lapping at your claws with your glossa to pass the time.

Your head perked up when Shockwave took a sudden turn into a different room. Your audials flicked as you took in the new surroundings. "Ahh, a Medbay Of some sort." You purred with pleasure, knowing that you would finally be treated for your wounds.

Shockwave laid you down on one of the tables and promptly left the room without a word.

"Wow, How kind of you to leave me when I have no idea where I—" your thoughts were interrupted by a red mech appearing in the room, followed by another navy blue one. It wasn't Dreadwing, though. This one was different.

Your audials pinned against your cranium and you let out a low hiss, not trusting these new mechs at all.

"Oh please, kitty. We won't hurt you." The red mech chuckled, flashing a smile at you.

His companion looked frightened by your aggressive display, wisely staying behind him for protection.

That was it. No more silence. Someone had to teach this mech who was boss. "Don't call me kitty, you slagheaded preppy excuse of a medic!" You spat, your fangs bared in anger.

You grinned when the red mech jumped back, ducking behind his larger companion. They both shivered and held on to each other for dear life.

"You... you can talk?" The red mech whimpered, shaking from head to pede.

You rolled your optics and growled in annoyance. "Of course I can. How else would I communicate?"

"Umm... hisses and growls?" The large navy blue mech suggested hesitantly, a nervous smile on his face.

"How primitive. I learned to speak eons ago on Cybertron." You stated, shifting your weight on the table to get into a comfortable position.

"Okay... so you can talk just like us? But you're a different—"

You interrupted the red mech with a slight hiss. "A different species, yes. Technically, I am still Cybertronian. I just fall into a different class."

"Interesting... do you have a name?"

"Why of course, my name is Y/N."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Knockout, the Chief Medic of the Decepticons. This is my companion, Breakdown."

You dipped your head respectfully to both of them, your audials slowly raising up. "Now that we've met, do you think you could repair me?"

Knockout nodded vigorously like he forgot the whole reason you were there. "Of course, just give me a minute to gather my tools."

You sighed, waiting patiently as Knockout and Breakdown ran about and gathered what they needed. They were indeed a funny duo to watch for your amusement.

-Two megacycles later-

The repairs to your flank were finished and you felt much better. You leapt off the Medbay and arched your backstrut in a stretch.

Knockout had proven to be quite the conversation starter, going on and on about his finish and how Starscream was a big pain in the aft. You chuckled, but rarely showed any emotion to him. You were a cold, calculated killing machine, not some lovable pet.

"May I ask where Megatron is?" You asked them as you were about to leave.

"Megatron? You know him?" Knockout replied, an optic ridge raised in surprise.

"Well yeah, I'm a part of the Decepticons. At least I think I am..." you mumbled, looking at the insignia branded on your shoulder.

Knockout bent down and took a closer look at the insignia. "That's Decepticon, Alright. I didn't know that we still recruited cassettes, heh." He chuckled lightly, earning a growl from you.

"Watch your tongue or lose it, Doctor." You hissed, whipping your tail in his face. "I'll find him myself."

"Okay then, just watch out for the Vehicons in the corridors. They tend to get a bit jumpy sometimes." Knockout said, sighing in relief when you left. "She gives me the creeps..."

Breakdown nodded, wiping up the Medberth you were laying on. "I agree. I wonder how she'll fare with Lord Megatron..."

"This warship is like a maze! Well, I haven't been on one in forever.." you mumbled to yourself, trotting down the long corridors and trying to find your way around.

You saw the Vehicons that Knockout was talking about, but they did nothing to stop you. They didn't even spare you a glance as you passed by them.

Your audials picked up a hint of noise coming from the nearby room and you went to investigate. You poked your head in and scanned the room, looking to see what was happening.

You spotted Megatron standing by a large computer beside a tall, slender mech. When he turned to face Megatron, memories rushed back into your processor.

"Now I remember.... I was supposed to belong to.... Soundwave! That's him!" Your frame tingled with excitement, but you didn't want to intrude on their conversation just yet.

You wanted to speak to a Megatron first. Alone.

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