What a petty trick...

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"Soundwave! Where are you?" You called out, your audials perked as you tried to find him in the thick undergrowth. You burst into a clearing and quickly looked around, your tail whipping through the air.

Soundwave's signal beeped online again, your scanners saying that you should go forward. "Alright then, you better be here with a search party or something..." you mumbled, trotting off into the bushes towards the steady signal.

You pushed through a thorn bush and hissed as the thorns snagged your audials.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice said in a low tone.

"Soundwave? Where are you?" You asked, looking around in confusion.

Soundwave stepped out of the undergrowth and walked over to you. A little smiley face appeared on his screen and he bent down to let you.

You purred, rubbing against his hand and his legs. It felt great to be by his side again.

Suddenly, he stopped petting your head and reached down to your chest, grasping something small that was attached.

"What is it?" You asked, glancing up at Soundwave.

Soundwave stood back up, examining the object in his hand curiously. It was a little black box with a single flashing red light. "Object identification: Autobot tracking device."

"Those fraggers put a tracker on me?! I knew they were up to something...." you spat, your audials pinned. You realized that meant that the Autobots knew exactly where you and Soundwave were, and they were coming for you. "We need to get out of here."

"Acknowledged. Calculating escape rout—" Soundwave was cut off as a blast struck him in the chest. He flew backwards into a patch of stinging nettles, crashing into the ground.

You froze, caught between shock and anger. You hissed so hard that steam erupted from your neck and your tail lashed angrily as you turned to face your attackers.

The Prime, the femme, and the large green Autobot burst through the bushes, blasters aimed and ready to fire.

You slowly backed up, standing protectively in front of Soundwave. You looked over your shoulder and noticed that he hadn't gotten up yet. "Soundwave, get up."

"Running s-system diagnostics... m-major circuitry damaged..." Soundwave's voice was staticky, which was beginning to scare you.

"Okay, do what you have to do. I'll try and buy you some time..." you growled, glaring at the Autobots as they approached you. "What do you slag-heads want?"

"Thanks for leading us right to Soundwave, kitty." The bulky green one sneered, taking another step forward.

You hissed at him to stay back, your backstrut arched. Your tail lashed behind you and your claws dug into the dirt beneath your paws. "Leave him alone!" You snarled, launching yourself at him.

He shrieked in terror as you attached to his frame, scraping your claws all over his armor. You tore through his left shoulder armor before you were thrown off into a tree.

You growled, your side hurting from the impact. Unlike Ravage, you didn't have any weapons attached to your frame. That made it a real pain to fight someone bigger than you, but you loved getting in close for the kill.

The femme tried to stab at you with her battle blade, but you locked your jaws around her arm and bit down hard. The screeching sound of metal being crushed filled your audio receptors as you threw her aside.

You ducked a punch from the Prime and darted between his legs, leaping up onto his back and digging your claws into his armor plating. He stood up, trying to rip you off as you dismantled small parts of his armor. You finally drew energon when you sank your fangs into his exposed shoulder, the cool liquid rushing into your mouth.

You leapt off, surveying the damage you dealt while swiping your glossa across your energon-stained jaws. "Having second thoughts?" You snarled as he whipped around and clipped you with his battle blade. You felt energon seep from the wound on your chest and bared your fangs, backing away from him.

"I haven't seen your kind in eons, what are you...?" He asked lowly, his optics cold and unforgiving.

"Why should I tell you? You don't deserve to know!" You spat, lashing out at him and scratching his leg.

The Prime stumbled backwards, drawing in a heavy breath. He glanced over his shoulder and nodded to the femme, who began walking over to where Soundwave lay on the ground.

Your optics widened and you snarled harshly, lunging past the Prime and tackling the femme with your weight. You pinned her by the throat and bared your razor sharp fangs. "Don't you dare touch him..."

The femme growled, kicking you in the abdomen and flipping you onto your back. Now it was you who was being pinned by the throat.

You hissed, feeling your throat constrict and air stop flowing through your vents. You pressed your paws against the femme's chest, but you didn't have the strength to push her off.

Just as you felt like you were slipping into unconsciousness, a hand snatched the femme by the wrist and tossed her aside.

You optics flickered for a second and your vision cleared, air returning to your vents. You quickly got up and looked at who saved you. "Soundwave! You're alright!"

"Miscalculation: minimal damage to front chest structure. Optimal functions online." Soundwave droned, turning to face the Autobots.

You weren't alone anymore, you had your master by your side. You felt like nothing could stop you. You looked up at him and nodded, your audials pinned against your head.

He nodded back, and you both charged into battle simultaneously.

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