Chapter 5-Scars Don't Fade Quickly

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(Continuing off of chapter 4, 3rd person POV)

   A few months before Yaru Kaisako was born, on July 15th, a boy was born to a green haired woman. And a man with completely black eyes, but, something was wrong with the woman, she had lost too much blood while delivering the baby boy. "his name..."the green haired woman said weakly "Is Izuku Midori-ya," she died while cradling her newborn son. Since she was in the hospital without her husband, the boy had to be entrusted to the hospital until he could be adopted. The black eyed man, was never seen again...the man, who was presumably dead, was known as Hisashi Haruko. But, when he wasn't living a normal life his wife and child, he was in the underworld, known as Satan:the ruler over Demons. 

   The day of Izuku's birthday, was the best day of his life, for on that day, he was adopted. The Takeyama family was a generous and gracious family of heroes, currently they had one child named Yuu. They tried and tried for another child, but it never happened, then Takeo and Haruta found their lucky break...and Izuku, was that break. They met him at an orphanage a week before his birthday, and on that day, Izuku knew that he had found the first people that he had liked in a long time. Sure he had met other family's in the past, but he hadn't bonded with them as he had with the elder Takeyamas and Yuu. When they promised that he would be living with them a week from now, he became naturally excited and kept that promise to heart, and when that day finally came, he became hopeful and full of determination. And later on his birthday, they fulfilled their promise, and so Izuku had a place to finally call home after two years.

   At the age of four the Takeyamas had expected him to develop a powerful quirk, and he did...but it wasn't a quirk that couldn't be documented. Sure he had the missing pinky toe joint, but did he actually have a quirk? Because of that question that rang throughout Takeo and Haruta's heads, they didn't know if they could live as heroes if they had a quirkless son. So in retaliation of him not having a quirk, they got rid of him, his parents that he had known for total of two years didn't want him, nor did his sister that had treated him like a loved brother. He was sent back to that same orphanage with a shadow covering his tearing eyes, and his fists clenched, he was set right back up in that room that was overcrowded. But it was different this time, this time he had to sleep in a corner, this time he had to sleep on the floor, THIS TIME HE HAD TO SLEEP FAR AWAY FROM EVERYONE ELSE, LIKE HE WAS SOME SORT OF VILLAIN!!! So in order to comfort himself, he wrapped his arms around his body and silently cried into the night having lost all hope for the future, this continued ever night for the next year. And when he was five, his world had become brighter, for he had met an amazing person.

   During December of 22xx Izuku had snuck out, after hearing about how beautiful downtown Musutafu was at night, he wanted to go. So he made a plan and successfully escaped the orphanage, he had one specific destination in his head, and it was the tree that was always decorated every winter. He was amazed at how beautiful the tree was, so much so that he didn't notice the man that was approaching from behind him. Izuku had felt a hand grasp his shoulder and tighten their grip, he looked up to see a gentle smile from a man with a beard, "Are you lost little boy?" questioned the man. "U-Um N-No sir" Izuku had replied with a shaky body, "daddy, you shouldn't scare people like that" Izuku heard a small voice say from next to him. The man had released his grip from Izuku, "I apologize for scaring you if I did, thank you Eri for telling me" the man bent down to Eri's height and messed with her hair. Izuku let out a sigh of relief, "So, kid, where are your parents?" the man asked again as he gestured to Izuku's outfit, since Izuku was wearing tattered and battered clothing during winter. Izuku looked down at his outfit, and for the first time that night he shivered, whether it was because of noticing the clothing, or because he was too cold to shiver he had no clue. "I-I don't have any parents" Izuku said solemnly, he looked down to the ground with his hair covering his eyes. Thats when he had felt a hand on his head, he looked up slowly to see the man have a wide smile on his face, "It's okay kid, how about you come with me and Eri to our house." For the first time in a year Izuku smiled, and it wasn't a fake smile, no, it was a genuine heart warming smile. Izuku nodded his head quickly, he felt his right hand be held by Eri, "c'mon then!" the girl said as she and her father led the way home.

   The man found out that Izuku didn't have a quirk after he had been visited by them at his orphanage every day for a week, but Izuku wasn't treated differently by the man and the little girl. The man still treated him like a son, but just as quickly as he had met these people, they had soon disappeared, it was a week since he had seen them so he became worried that something had happened. But for some reason, he knew that something had happened to the man, and a week later he found out. He found out that the man that had treated him like a human, had disappeared without a trace.(4 months later) For some reason Izuku was lucky, for he had met his mothers best friend a month ago, Mitsuki Bakugou was her name. And since she was his godmother, Izuku was given to her...but he wasn't happy...and it wasn't because of his parents, no, it was because of his ever cracking heart. He had never met his birth parents, his father didn't want anything to do with him, the people he had thought would be the best to him abandoned him, he had been treated like trash for not having a quirk, he had lost the only two people that had looked at him like a human, and he was being bullied by his "brother" Katsuki Bakugou for being quirkless. The amount of regret, fear, anger, and wrath that had been on the five year old's shoulders, was immense, but he always brushed it off for his entire existence. Even when he was cut, blown up, and scarred by his brother and his peers, he never raised his hand, he just took the beating like. the. Useless. Deku he was.

(Present time)

   Izuku looked down at his torn open sleeve on his right arm, he could make out each of the 59 scars that were on it. He looked to the biggest one and remembered what had happened, 'One of Katsuki's friends took a switchblade and dug it into my skin, carving through it like a turkey.' He looked to the one that was just below his hand, 'that was from all the excessive cutting I did with the idea of ending my life, *sigh* I wish it had actually worked.' He looked to his palm, there was a huge splotch of damaged skin, 'I remember this one clear as day, Katsuki had found out how to concentrate his explosions. So he used them on me, I remember putting up my hand to block the explosion, but it tore through my hand and damaged a portion of my chest. Thank god most of my scars can be concealed under clothing...or else Katsuki and everybody else would give a shit about me. I just wish that these would fade just like that girl that I remember, I still miss them. I just wish that I could meet that girl one last time.'

I won't be posting the pictures for SpookTober until tomorrow or Wednesday when I don't have school, but I kinda needed this weekend to myself, hope you don't mind. Hope you like the backstory portion of the story, since it is needed to explain both of their backstories, the story should continue on tomorrow. Thank you for reading, hope you liked it, an I'm signing off. Peace.

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