Chapter 7-Black Blood...Is It Healthy?

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(Eri POV)

   'Its been days since Izuku was taken, what happened in there? Or...did they kill him? ' I questioned myself. I was sitting on the floor, worrying about him, because I hadn't been taken to perform "tests", since he was. When, the door opened, I looked towards the opening expecting to see Izuku again. Instead, it was Chrono, albeit, he was older than the last time Eri had seen him. He gestured for me to follow him, and so, I did. I got up from my spot on the floor, and followed him out of the room, like a sheep and a cattle driver. "Where are you taking me?" I asked Overhaul's right hand man. No response, "I said, where are you taking me?" I asked with a hint of anger in my voice. Chrono took off his hood, and in an instant, his hair was against my throat. "Never raise your voice to me" He said with killer intent and without looking at me, his hair retracted and his hood was back on. 'Right...I forgot about that...' I sweatdropped as he started walking.........He entered the door on my right, and so I followed, against my better judgement.

   I was in an observation room behind a window, that looked like it was made of reinforced glass. On the other side of the glass, was a man that looked homeless and a vial of black liquid next to him. Chrono walked over to a microphone, "Pick up the vial" he stated mindlessly. The homeless man that was sitting down, reached over to the vial with his arm shaking. He picked it up and opened it, "drink it" stated Chrono with distaste in his voice. The man had begun to put it to his lips, but hesitated and brought it down. "Do it now Mr Yaketaka, or you're daughter will pay with blood" when he was mad, Chrono became cruel and unusual. He put the vial back up to his lips, and drank it. One gulp turned into two and two into three, he continued until it was all gone. He looked towards the reinforced glass, and said something that was muffled by it. "Watch closely Eri" said a voice from the shadows, 'why is Overhaul acting creepier than usual?' I questioned as I looked towards the man. After a few minutes of watching, the man, had started to twitch. He fell onto his knees as black fluid started to come out of his mouth, "whats happening to him?!" I asked OH (Overhaul). "Shut up and watch you little brat" he said from behind his bird like mask. I turned my attention to the man, who was seemingly growing in size and mass. His muscles had started to tear his clothing, until it was completely cut down to tiny ribbons. The skin that was underneath the clothing, was black and becoming sharp, I held my hand over my mouth as I gasped. He was taller than the ceiling was, he had pitch black skin, and it was sharp. 'What did he just create' this "creature" that he created, was to dangerous to be exposed to man kind.

   "This is what your friend, Izuku, can do. With his blood, we can take over the world. But it's not even close to being finished." 'Not even close! He can create creatures like this, in just a few days! But, what does Izuku have to do with this...thing?!' Questions were racing through my head, but there weren't any answers. "That's where you come in Eri, Your blood, will mix with Izuku's causing the blood to become less potent to the host." He pointed to the "man" behind the glass, He was on the ground surrounded by a pool of black blood. "Chrono, she's seen enough. Go get Izuku, and bring them back to their room." Chrono nodded his head and led me out of the room, he went to the room next to this one, I waited for a few minutes until he came out. Izuku was with him, I wanted to speak to Izuku, but I was afraid that Chrono would do something to one of us......He opened the metal door to our room, and I entered first with Izuku close behind. I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me, He walked over and sat down next to me. I leaned onto his right shoulder,  "I was wishing for you to come back. Heh, I guess my wish was granted" I said to him. He put his arm around my back and brought me closer, so he could hug me. "How many years?" he questioned, "What do you mean?" I shot back. "How many years, have you had to go through that" he asked as he started to cry. 'Why does he even care about me, He obviously doesn't remember back then. So why does he care about someone that he's just met.' "N-Not too long" I said, which was an obvious lie, I've been here for half of my life... He didn't respond, he just hugged me tighter, he spoke softly into my ear. "Even though we've known each other for a short amount of time. I feel like I know you from way back when my life was horrible." 

   'W-What? Does he really remember me? S-Should I tell him?' I thought with remorse. "Whats your favorite season Izuku?" I asked him, "Winter. But why does it matter?" "Have you ever been to that huge tree in Downtown Musutafu?" I completely disregarded his question. "....Yes," He reluctantly replied, "I remember meeting a man, and a......girl that was around my age. But why does...that........matter." He said suddenly realizing everything, "Eri? I knew you?!"

I'm addressing a few things in this chapter. First of all, the drawings, Those aren't gonna be constant, just for when I feel like it. Second of all, someone was confused as to why Eri was Izuku's age. Imma say this only once...Either read the description of the book, or just know that she was born the same year as Izuku. Third of all, its more of a personal problem, but your boy's fan almost just exploded, its like this cheap dollar fan that overheats if used too long. I used it for like ten minutes and it became WAY to hot, like burn skin off HOT. Lastly, I hope you liked this late chapter, I'm out. Peace.

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