Lucy has been in the guide until lisanna return from the dead and everyone ignored Lucy except lisanna,Elfman,Mira,master, Kinana,Wendy,Gajeel,Juvia,gray,Erza,jet, Dory,levy, SmileDragon (me), Laxus,Laxus's team, Romeo,and last but not least Lucy's...
Lucy view I was drinking my milkshake until the guide doors slam open everyone look to see who it was and they all had tears in their eyes and yelled "LISANNA!!!" And ran to her hugger her and then she saw me and came to me with a sweet smile "hi you must be Lucy I am lisanna I hope we can be good friends" she said I smiled and said "nice to meet ya lisanna I hope we are gonna be good friends as well
Time soup 4 months because I'm lazy XD
Me and lisanna became good friends until one day everyone ignored me except lisanna Elfman Mira master gray juvia Erza my dad Jude Laxus and his team SmileDog Kinana Wendy Romeo levy Dory jet and Gajeel and the exceeds were the only ones by my side and will always be there for me "are you ok lucy-san?" I turn and see Kianna with my vanilla milkshake and giving it to me "yeah I am thank you" I smiled and she smiled back and left "LUCY!!" I heard natsus voice "yes natsu?" I ask with a bit fear in my voice "well Lucy now that we have lisanna we don't need a wealing like you here any more so why don't you leave the guide and you're out of team natsu you're a replacement for her" he said with a smile "hey don't talk to her like that!" I heard SmileDog yelled at natsu he is a good friend and pet to me but after what natsu said I heard the ones who hasn't ignored me gasped so did my Dad Jude I went to the master's office and knocked on the door"come in" I heard master say I open the door ad closed it after I went it "hello child what is wrong you seem to be sad now may I ask what's wrong?" He asked me in a worried voice "I want to leave the guide ask pinkie he knows what happen" I said as I cried "as you ish child" he removes my mark and cries and when I left his office I went to my mansion with my dad and he tried to comfort me but failed the next we were on the stage "excuse me everyone" no one bothered to look at me and my dad except the ones who hasn't ignored me "listen up brats!!" Master yelled everyone looked at him "Lucy and her father has something to you" everyone look at her and her father "me and my dad have magic that is powerful" I said
Jude's view "Me and my dad have magic that is powerful" my lil angel said she looked at me to tell them my real magic first "I Jude heartfilla have all dragon slaying magic and is king of dragons" I said everyone gasped and I looked at my angel and she said" I Lucy heartfilla has wolf and lion slaying magic and is also princess of dragons" everyone gasped and she showed them her tattoos of a wolf tattoo and a lion tattoos
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everyone gasped "but every since lisanna came back everyone ignored me except lisanna Elfman Mira master juvia Erza gray Gajeel Laxus and his team levy jet Dory my dad SmileDog Kinana Wendy Romeo and the exceeds after the way you all been treating me like crap I'm leaving the guide and so is SmileDog and my dad goodbye fairy tail" she said everyone cried.
SmileDog (me) view Everyone cried me Lucy and Jude left and went into the forest oh and I'm SmileDog Lucy's best friend and also Kinana's dog boyfriend I had to leave her in the guide because I'll be with my friend Lucy but when we left I saw Kinana with us and I didn't mind nor Jude and Lucy did we went to the dragon realm and stayed there. That's all y'all