Lucy has been in the guide until lisanna return from the dead and everyone ignored Lucy except lisanna,Elfman,Mira,master, Kinana,Wendy,Gajeel,Juvia,gray,Erza,jet, Dory,levy, SmileDragon (me), Laxus,Laxus's team, Romeo,and last but not least Lucy's...
Midnight view Me and my team and Lucy and her dad and last but not least sminana and barricade are outside of the castle and we're training with huge dragons *idk all dragons so plz put it all in the comments* I'm doing Galaxy dragon slaying Cobra is doing lightning dragon slaying angel is doing sky dragon slaying racer is doing water dragon slaying hoteye is doing music dragon slaying Jude and Lucy are doing demon slaying so Lucy is gonna be the strongest of them all because she as wolf and lion and dragon slaying barricade is learning wolf slaying like Lucy since he is Lucy's exceed wolf
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And SmileDragon and Kinana are learning fire dragon slaying (me) and iron dragon slaying (Kinana) we began our training
Time skip in five years after training
Lucy view "Bye daddy!" I shouted as I wave bye to my dad "bye my dear sweet lil angel be safe" he said as he waved me bye.
SmileDragon view Me and Kinana are a couple now and we finish our training so now it's time to go with Lucy to find a new guide or make our own I decided to make our own and I told Lucy she said I can be master of the guide so I called our guide the lion beasts
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We made our guide a huge guide it had a flag with a lion and Lucy she was the leader of our team and I'm master of the guide I have my guide mark on my right shoulder in sliver,Lucy on her left shoulder in midnight purple,Midnight has his mark on his stomach on his right side in golden color and sliver linings, Cobra has his on his chest where gray had his but in maroon color with golden linings,racer has his on his leg in white,hoteye has his in orenge color, Kinana has hers on her right shoulder but in the color the of my hair, barricade has his on his belly in the color of dark blue