Chapter 1: "Heya."

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(The first part was edited after the book was discontinued in like 2019(?). That's why the chapter drops in quality after a couple paragraphs.)

Family. They're the people that take care of us. People we trust and love. We have our moments and feel safe around them. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for Red. While he loved his brother, he didn't get it back. Instead, he was met with disgust, as his brother had changed.

Back then, Fell had been really sweet, but that all changed to Red's dismay. Now, Red was fearful of doing something to piss off his brother. However, one day, that all changed...


Red's Pov:


I quickly woke up and put on my clothes. "Give me a sec, Boss!" I then proceeded to run down the stairs. "Today we are going to look for humans! I believe you won't fail me...?!"

"Pfft- of course not Pa-Boss!"

He glared at me before opening the door. "Come along mutt!" We walked outside for a bit until we reached my stand. "You will stay here until 7:30, do you understand?" I nodded. This was going to be easy.

As soon as Boss left, I began chugging a mustard bottle. Don't judge me, the stuff tastes good. Anyways, after an eternity, I started feeling a little drowsy. So, I had the wonderful idea to take a little nap.

It would be for like 5 minutes since Boss is a dick and won't let me rest. But for some reason, the second I closed my eyes, Boss fuckin' materialized right in front of me. "Sans!"

Yeah, I knew what was going to happen at that point. He grabbed me by my hood and started walking towards the house. For some reason, I felt a little brave today, so I said," Come on Boss, it was like 5 seconds! Don't be an asshole!"


Boss glared at me and kicked me onto the ground. "What did you say to me you little piece of shit?!" Well shit, what do I do now? I kind of just sat on the ground stupidly not knowing what to do. "I said you're a bitch..." I muttered looking down.

Another kick, this time to the ribs.

"How dare you speak like that to me!" He grabbed my arm and snapped it like a twig. "You know better than to mess with me!" Yet another kick to the ribs.

I knew that if I stayed around I would surely die. I mean, from the look in Boss' eyes it was evident. So, I used all of my energy to teleport myself somewhere.

After that, all I can remember is my vision getting blurry as I fell face first into the snow.

Classic's POV:

I was walking back home from Grillby's when I spotted someone on the ground. The closer I got the more I realized he was a skeleton. I ran to his side and checked to see if he was breathing. He was. I sighed and picked him up. I carried him to my house to see if I could wake him up. I then noticed the snow around him was covered with blood. I decided to just teleport to the house because I didn't want to risk his health. I checked his stats. His health was really low .1/1 hp. He could've died. I put him on the couch and took my jacket off. I put it against his eye to stop the bleeding there. His clothes were torn up. He also had a dog collar on. A weird fashion choice, I'll admit. Who would beat him up so badly? I would have to speak with him about this later. I then noticed that some of his ribs were missing. (He was wearing the jacket, some of it was torn, don't get the wrong idea.) I sighed and helped him get that fixed up with some bandages. Maybe the human did this to him? If so, we would have a "nice little chat". After I was done bandaging up all of his scars and stuff, I just let him lay on the couch. Paps wouldn't be coming home for a while, so I decided to cook dinner for the other skeleton. He looked like he hasn't eaten in weeks, makes me feel bad for him. I cooked some pasta, since Paps would be pleased with this dish as well. I then put it in the fridge for when he woke up. I then fell asleep on one of the chairs.

Red's POV:

I woke up with my head hurting. Was that all just a dream? Or was I just drunk, and this was the hangover? I looked to see that I was laying on the couch. Crap. I wasn't supposed to be on there! I quickly fell off as soon as possible hurting my head. I groaned. The house looked.... different. The walls were a lighter color, and the paintings were different. I noticed that some of my body was in bandages. What the...
I heard a voice. "So you're finally awake." I quickly turned around to see a skeleton that almost looked exactly like me look at me. He smiled at me. What the hell was happening?!

Classic's POV:

I heard a loud thump on the floor. I checked and saw that the other skeleton had fallen down. He was rubbing his head. "So, you're finally awake?" I said jokingly. He looked at me terrified. "Who are you and where am I?" He said. "Well, I'm Sans and you're in my house." "Sans? B-But I thought I was Sans?" "I'm guessing you must be a different au of me. In that case, we should make nicknames. I'll be Classic since I'm the original. What do you want yours to be?" I asked patiently. "Hmm... I honestly don't know. Boss usually calls me pet or the occasional mutt." "Yeah, no. I'm not calling you one of those names. How about... Red?" I asked. He gave a weak smile. "Red it is."

"Oh, I shouldn't be here." Red said. "If boss finds out I'm here he'll kill me." I grabbed his hand. "You don't need to go back to this Boss guy," I said. "You can stay here. We have a spare room that you can sleep in." "Really?" He asked with a bit of excitement in his eyes. "Sure thing." "T-Thanks a lot." I could see a tint of red on his face but I didn't think much of it. "Speaking of which... since your clothes are pretty torn up you need new ones. I can give you one of my jackets until we get your fixed up." "Alright."

He came back with the jacket. It was bigger on him. He looked adorable. Wait, what am I saying? We only just met a few minutes ago!

Red's POV:

"Oh! I made some pasta for ya." Classic told me. "I'm allowed to eat more than once a day?" I asked in awe. This made Classic look upset. "I'm sorr-" I was about to say. "No, it's alright. I'm not mad at you. Just... come eat some pasta." I got the plate of pasta and sat in the corner of the kitchen. I knew that boss wasn't here, but just in case he was testing me I had to obey all of the rules. "Come, sit over here." Classic motioned to the seat next to him. I reluctantly sat next to him eating the pasta. I will admit, it was pretty good. "So, I hope you don't mind me asking about this boss guy?" "W-Well, he is a really cool guy..." "Doesn't sound like it. I've seen all of those scars, they were from him, weren't they?" Classic interrupted. I stayed silent. I look at the ground. "Lets.... just not talk about this. All you need to know is that you're safe from him now." Classic said to me. It felt soothing to hear him say that.

Classic's POV:

I saw the collar still on his neck. I took it off. "You won't be needing this." I said. On the back it said, "Property of: Papyrus." His own brother abuses him? I really wanted to give him a reassuring hug but I knew it would be awkward if I did. He seemed to flinch when ever I moved a lot anyways. I just threw away the collar and went to the couch. He followed along, having nothing else to do.

"You wanna watch something?" I asked him after a while. "Sure." He replied. He was acting so cute! Wait... what the hell? Why do I keep commenting like that? "Let's watch this movie." I said as I put on Shrek: The Anime. We watched it for a while and then Paps came through the door. Red got startled and then started shaking. "Hello brother! And Sans' clone...?" Red hid behind me apologizing over and over again saying stuff like "please don't hurt me!" And "I'll be good, I promise!" To Paps. I didn't like seeing him like this. "Hey bud, it's alright." I said to Red. He nodded but was still shaking. I noticed that he was a little shorter than me. It was by 5 centimeters. I didn't bring it up though. "Eh, I'll be right back Paps, let me take our guest to his room." I said. "Alright brother! The great Papyrus is great at waiting!" Paps replied. I walked upstairs as Fell followed. Paps gave him a little wave and he waved awkwardly back.

To be continued.....

(Hopefully you guys have enjoyed the story so far!)

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