Chapter 10: The Oncoming Storm

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I felt like I was being compressed into a tube, but flying along in a straight path at the same time. I was aware of Rune’s body weight still near me, still on me, but somehow, I still felt alone. I felt suffocated, I couldn’t breath, but I could slowly feel the tantalizing feeling of cool, fresh air above me. And, just as I was about to reach it, I felt something tug on my ankle. It was hot, singing, burning my flesh, and I screamed, kicked, and it let go. I shot up into the cool air, flying out of the hole like it had spit me out, and for a few minutes, I lay on the grass, just gasping air. I sat up slowly, looked around.

We were in front of the castle. That was the grass I had just tumbled onto, the perfectly manicured lawn of the castle grounds. All around me, scattered in the grass, were the others, sprawled in the grass and slowly sitting up like I was. I looked down at my ankle, where I had felt the thing tug on it, and saw a painful red burn hissing on my pale white skin. Noir sat up, swearing softly, looking around, making sure we weren’t missing anyone. We weren’t. We were all there, thankfully. I appeared the only one who had suffered any damage from the trip, but… I felt a little different in my head, it felt as if someone had put their hand in my brain and rearranged everything, making everything different. I looked over at Rune, who looked similarly confused. No one else had the same look on their faces.

Hm Cil has a burn on her leg I wonder how that happened? I started slightly as I heard an extra voice in my head. What the hell? I felt a slight stroke of panic.

“Is everyone alright?” Noir asked.

“I have this burn on my leg, and, and, I just heard a voice in my head,” I spoke up, as everyone shook their heads, saying they were good.

“I heard a voice in my head as well,” Rune piped up.

That was weird I’m 90% sure that was Cil’s voice I heard in my head, The new voice said, and I had a sneaking suspicion of something that I wasn’t quite ready to put into words.

“Oh my god I’m so stupid,” Noir shot up from his sitting position on the ground, spitting out a long string of curses.

“What? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You were supporting Rune when we teleported, you were touching, I’m so so stupid…” Noir started muttering again, pacing back and forth on the grass.

“What?!” Rune and I cried at the same time.

“You were touching, so when you teleported, some of your atoms might have gotten scrambled together, meaning that those extra voices you guys are hearing in your heads might be each others,” Noir summed up, cursing his own stupidness again.

“Huh,” I muttered.

“Great, another way we are inexplicably and creepily intertwined,” Rune rolled his eyes sarcastically.

Testing, testing, one, two, three, I heard Rune’s voice in my head.

I hear you loud and clear, I organized my thoughts and thrust one out.

This is weird, Rune replied back.

Yeah, basically, I answered back. Then I realized something, and had a slight trace of panic again. Could Rune hear everything I thought? Oh god I was in for some major teasing, I could feel it.

Aw, Cil, do you really think that highly of me? I feel so loved, Rune thought out to me, and I could basically hear the smirking in his voice.

GET OUT OF MY HEAD, CREEP, I mind-yelled back at Rune. He shot me one last feeling of a smirk, and I felt his presence slowly withdraw from my mind.

“Is it okay if I heal that burn?” Noir asked me, taking a look at my ankle.

“Oh, yeah go ahead,” I told him. Noir put his hand on my leg, said a few incantations, and the burn slowly faded and disappeared. “How did that happen?” Noir asked me.

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