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The sound of swords clashing, metal against metal, echoed throughout the halls. The muffled sounds of quick moving footsteps and gasps for air could be heard from stone walls as four men in black uniforms with masks covering the lower half of their face walking swiftly down the stone hallway. Torches attached to the walls were ablaze, making the hallway bright enough to see down the hallway and the big door at the end. The first two that reached the door waited as the other two struggled to keep up while dragging a limp human body. That limp body was being held up by two pairs of strong arms as they reached the door. The men nodded to each other before one of them opened the door and the four made their way into the room. The inside of the room was a large throne room like setting. A black carpet was rolled out on the stone floor in the middle, leading to an ancient stone chair like a throne at the back center of the room. In the middle of the room were seven other men in similar uniforms. Each man was holding a sword and was in ready fight stances. The door opening had made them pause their exercise and were now all standing straight, waiting for orders. A tall man, roughly about 5'9" standing closer to the throne-like chair with his back turned to the new arrivals, spoke with a clear voice.

"I see that it did not take you long to break him," the man said and turned around, his fur coat shifting as he did to see the four soldiers stand behind the man who had been pushed to his knees.  

Looking down at the tattered body at his feet, it was clear the man on his knees had once been well looking. Now, his dark brown shirt was torn and covered with blood while his pants were ripped in several places and long gashes covered him. His back had long whip marks streaked with blood while his hair was messed up and had dried blood on them. His long boots were the only thing untouched, only a little muddy from walking in a storm previously. The man stared down at the worn down captive and leaned down. In a sudden movement, the battered man leaped from his knees and swiped at the man with his hand, containing a shard of broken glass. One of the nearby soldiers stopped him and he was tackled to the ground. The tattered man was thrown back and placed back to kneeling down, the shard of glass taken. 

"Still hostile towards me," the man said, watching the tattered man closely. The tattered man's face was cast downwards but his head moved upward slowly and his eyes locked on to his and spat at him.

The spit made contact on the man's chest and the man held up a hand to stop his soldiers from tackling the tattered man again. "You must come to realize that running away was a fool's mistake, you of all people should have to know that by betraying me, you betray the whole league."

A small chuckle rose from the tattered man. His face cracked with pain as he laughed quietly before stopping suddenly and he looked at the man, deadly poison in his eyes. "No, I knew exactly what I was doing. And it didn't matter the consequences of leaving. If I got the choice, I'd do it all again, no matter the cost."

"You were a good man, Al Nasl, and watching you like this does hurt," the man said and the tattered man tried getting up to launch at him once more but two soldiers held him in place.

"MY NAME, is Cole Jensen." He said, his blue eyes staring straight up, his arms burning as he tried to free himself from the soldiers' grasp. 

The man nodded. "Yes, it was once your birth name but you renounced that part of you the moment you joined the league. Cole is dead, only Al Nasl lives but you seem to have forgotten that." The man said. "As Ra's al Ghul, it is my duty to see through your punishment. However, to waste someone like you would be something I would regret for many years. Al' Nasl, I renounce your punishment to be void. You are broken and torn between two worlds that you hold dear. And because of that, you will spend the next year in rehab until you remember exactly who you really are." Ra's al Ghul said, staring down him. Cole stared up at him in shock before that shock turned into anger and fear. Two soldiers started to pick him up to drag him away but Cole struggled against them, shouting and cursing as they pulled him away.

"I'll escape no matter what! No prison can hold any of us and I will prove to you that your words mean nothing to me. I will never again be your soldier!" Cole shouted, shock and anger bubbling inside of him, creating rage. "I promise that. You will never break me more than I have broken myself! I will always be Cole Jensen!"

The door slammed closed as Cole was pulled away by four soldiers, leaving Ra's to be alone in the room with the other soldiers who had been training before. The room turned silent, the soldiers who had been training in the room now stood still as Ra's stood there, unmoving. For a movement, it looked as though Ra's might leave the room but instead, he let out a sigh and waved for his men to continue practicing. The familiar sound of metal clashing against each other filled the silent room and Ra's took a few steps toward the stone chair before stopping and turned to look at the remaining men placed as guards around the room. 

Ra's turned to glance at two of them and made a small hand gesture, one which the men knew well of. The two of them pulled their swords into their sheathes before walking swiftly to him. 

"Al' wahm, I have a mission for you." Ra's said.

"Yes?" One of the soldiers replied, staring at Ra's.

"I need you to go and collect something for me."

Hey guys, how was the first chapter/prologue? Enjoying it so far? Now I know you might be wondering why I'm using Ra's and the League of Assassins and such but before you start saying I taking DC's character and such, I've had an idea for making a league of assassins for the longest time and my friend is binge-watching this show called Arrow and he mentioned how in an episode there was a dude named Ra's so I looked him up. This character is created by DC comics and I do not own him. Everything else throughout the story except for this one character, I do own. I add mythology and magic to this story as well but that will come later. And if you're wondering if this is some sort of fanfiction for Ra's, it's not. Ra's just happens to be a good character that I could benefit from and I hope the story will work with him in favor. 

Also, I'm debating whether or not to write in one person's perspective in the third person or should I just do everyone's perspective as it goes on, to find out, we'll have to see later on in the week. Anyways, mates, friends, random readers, I do hope you enjoy this story. I will add heroes, villains, and vigilantes along with some minor superpowers but they will be brief since this is mostly focusing on Assassins. The main Eight will be discovered later, for now, you'll have to see for yourself what direction this story will take. Until next time. 


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