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Taehyung was glued to his daughter for the rest of the day.

Jin and everyone else was proud of Jungkook.

But y/n and Yoongi were still concerned about the younger.

Was he still ok?

They would both talk for hours about it. Wanting to try bring it up to him but never getting the best chance. They were both too busy with their baby.

It's now been a few weeks since Jungkook was released from the hospital.

And maybe Jungkook lied.

When he told Taehyung it's ok that he couldn't return his feelings he lied.

It hurt more than a blade. More than a blade cutting through your skin.

But it was enough for Jungkook to release stress.

He knew he wasn't getting anymore check ups. He knew he had a few more months till they would start singing again.

There was enough time for the lines to disappear...



Fucking feelings. Why can't I just stop feeling this way towards Taehyung. He's obviously straight.

Fight for him? Am I kidding? Who am I trying to fool.

What would I do to make Tae love me back?

Push him to where he breaks?

Over whelm him with my feelings after his lover killed herself?

"I'm a fucking mess" I groaned as I threw the small blade into the trash.

"Jungkook? Are you done? Hoseok needs to piss and he won't shut up!" I heard Jin holler from the other side.

"Ah! Yeah I'll be right out!" I mustered up as much happiness as I could to sound cheerful.

"Ok thanks."

I quickly flushed the toilet - to make it look like I was just using it - and washed my arms. Pulling my black sleeve down and looking around the bathroom for any traces of what I just did.

I smiled before opening the door.

Only to be pushed by Hoseok.

I laughed and closed the door behind me.

"Doesn't he have his own bathroom?" I smiled as I walked into my room.

I threw myself onto my bed and snuggled into the blankets.

I sighed in content. The sun's last rays of light shining into my room.

My room looks like the day when...

I frowned a little, looking down at my sleeves. A little stinging feeling tingling on my wrists.

☆|His Confession|☆ ~ TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now