(13) The Survival

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                         Cory's POV
        I caught Ashlie as she fell from the large creatures beak, thanks to the help of Tommy. I immediately turned, running away from the creature, a whimpering Ashlie in my arms. After I was a good distance away, I laid her carefully on the ground. "Dawn!" I called, noticing her bleeding foot. Then, I glanced back just in time to see Tommy get slung roughly into a tree, and fall motionlessly to the ground. "Tommy!" I exclaimed as Jon rushed to Ashlie, and Dawn stared at Tommy. A worried expression could be read on his robotic face. Then, the creature began walking towards Tommy, and I gasped, "Uni, come help me!" I exclaimed, rushing towards the creature once more, pulling an arrow from my quiver to use as a weapon.

      Uni nodded, pulling out his dagger and rushing towards the creature with me. We both skidded to a halt between the creature and Tommy. We tried our best to keep the large creature away from our injured friend, but it all seemed to be in vain. The creature was far bigger than Uni and I, and our weapons were small, and inflicted very little injury to the creature. Yet we still stood in front of the creature, ready to defend. But something soon caught my lense. Uni had stiffened, and I heard Jon gasp, I was confused, until Uni quickly turned around, tapping his feet. I did the same, gasping loudly at the sight behind me.

       A very familiar being stood in front of us, his eyes glowing red, and a triumphant smile on his lips. His clothes were tattered, he was dirty, and his posture gave the hint that he was injured, but his identity was unmistakable. "Nick!?" I exclaimed, my eye catching sight of the large, bat-like wings protruding from his back. He smiled, my heart aching at it's familiar happiness, "The one and only." He answered. Then he looked behind us, and his eyes widened, "Look out!" He exclaimed, pulling an aged-looking axe from his vest. I immediantly whipped around, just in time to dodge the creatures beak as it crashed into the ground, attempting to crush me. I recovered quickly, taking this chance to stab my arrow into the creatures eye. It screeched in  pain, and drew back quickly. I smirked in triumph, "Nice work!" Uni exclaimed. Though, the creature recovered quickly, its uninjured eye burning with rage. It went for Uni next, it let out an ear-splitting shriek, causing Uni to flinch and cover his sensative ears. The creature used this opportunity to grab Uni in a flash in it's large beak.

        "Uni!" Nick and I screamed in unison as the creature lifted him off the ground. Uni then disappeared within the creatures mouth, sending a wave of anxiety washing over me. I saw the creatures beak moving a bit as Uni struggled within. I saw Nick thinking quickly, before glancing back at his wings and taking in a deep breath. He began slowly stretching his wings out, and I noticed that one was bent weirdly, as if broken. Then, suddenly the creature opened it's mouth, screeching and spitting Uni out.

      I ran forward, grabbing him from the air, sending us both to the ground. I quickly got up, before realizing that he had blood all over him. "Are you okay!?" I exclaimed, and he sat up, wiping some of the blood off his face, and smiling lightly. "It's not mine." He said triumphantly. I laughed quietly, helping him up. We then turned back to the creature just in time to see Nick flap his large wings, his feet leaving the ground. He seemed to have trouble staying in the air, his injured wing flapping strangely. His face shown with pain, but he obviously wasn't going to let it affect him. He flew up to the creatures head area, where blood dripped from the creatures mouth, leaking from it's newly cut tongue.

     He held the handle of his axe tightly, swinging it at the creatures face. He slashed it a few times, causing the creature to retaliate. Though, with every retaliation, Nick had another dodge or attack in store for the creature. Then, he flew to the creatures already injured eye. He swiped his axe strongly against it, making the creature cry out in agony. Then, Nick did it again. The creature outstretched it's wings, then took to the air with a strong burst of wind. Nick was knocked back by this wind, due to it filling his outstretched wings. He crashed to the groud, breathing heavily. The creature, now airborne, stared at us for a moment, before turning tail and flying away.

       I was slightly confused. We...Actually survived? I thought in suprise, before smiling at Uni. "We actually survived!" I cheered, making him laugh. Then I looked at Nick, and I felt a bit worried at the sight of the bat-like boy. He was lying on the ground, his wings draped motionlessly over him. He began to prop himself slowly up on his knees and hands. But he was breathing extremely heavily, which worried me. I rushed over to him, crouching beside him, "Nick? Are you okay?" I questioned. His eyes were tightly closed, and his fangs were bared. At the sound of my voice, he relaxed a but, opening one, now brown, eye and looking at me.

       He nodded a bit, "Y-Yeah, my wings just...Hurt..." He said between pained breaths. I frowned, "Can you stand?" I asked, and he nodded, "Probably." I stood up, outstretching my hand for him. He took it, and I pulled him up to his feet, which he stood on weakly. His labored breathing had calmed a bit, "Thanks..." He said quietly. Then he looked around, his eyes landing on Tommy. He turned away, carefully walking over to Tommy, who at the moment was struggling to stand. As the neko fell to his knees, panting, Nick outstretched his hand to him. "Need a hand?" He asked, smiling lightly. Tommy stared at the hand, before following it slowly up to Nicks face. He stared at him for a moment, before grabbing his hand and getting pulled to his feet. "You okay?" Nick asked, but Tommy said nothing. Then, he hugged Nick tightly. "You're back! You're really back..." He cried, and Nick, who had been taken back by Tommy's sudden outburst, hugged back lightly. "And I don't plan on leaving again." Nick answered. Tears slid down Tommy's smiling face, and I  couldn't help but crack a smile. It was good to see Tommy smile again, and to have Nick back.

(Here's a Nick Pic. Lol, I drew it for visuals, and because I was bored)

A/N Yes, I still exist! And this book does too! Wow! Sorry for the lack of updates, honestly! Life just kept piling sad things on me, and it was totally killing my will and inspiration to write

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A/N Yes, I still exist! And this book does too! Wow! Sorry for the lack of updates, honestly! Life just kept piling sad things on me, and it was totally killing my will and inspiration to write. But I'm back now! And expect another update VERY soon! And as always, U HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY, AND GOODBYE PEEPS!

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