(1) Questionable Story

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                           Unis POV
       We walked through the forest, starting our new adventure. We had looked at the map once more before going on our way. The map was VERY interesting, actually. I know It's a hologram, but I can still sense it. It's so strange. I smiled a bit as I realized that Dawn was walking beside me. After I had built him, we were very close, then after Graser shut him off, I figured that he burned with everything else in the town. When I got my blindfold for the first time, I wanted to return to the wreckage to find him, but I couldn't find my way back there.

      "Hey, Uni..." Ashlie suddenly spoke up from behind me. Dawn, Cory and I were leading, and the others were walking behind us in their usual pairs. Ashlie with Jon, and Tommy with Nick. "Yeah?" I questioned. "What happened when Graser attacked...? Because Jon and I found a bunch of skeletons with sword and dagger wounds...So I was wondering what Graser did to them..." Ashlie said quietly. I was silent for a moment, "Yeah, me and Nick found the same thing." Tommy added. "W-Well..." I stuttered, trailing off. "It's fine if you don't want to talk about it.." Nick suddenly added quickly.

      "No, no...It's fine." I said quietly. "Wait, hold that thought." Dawn said suddenly, stopping. He looked around, "I think we should take a short break here. We've, well, you guys, have been walking for awhile...So maybe we should rest here, Uni can explain a little bit, then we can keep going." Dawn explained. The others nodded in agreement, "Sounds like a good plan." Cory commented, sitting on the ground. The others nodded, also sitting. I sat aswell, and I realized that they were all sitting in a circle, with me at the head of it.

                            Jon's POV
      We all stared at Uni expectantly, waiting for him to begin. "W-Well...Grazer came into our town...He started with my house. He powered Dawn down, then his follower held me to stop me from running or fighting back. Then, he...." Uni paused hesitantly, "Then he slaughtered my parents with a dagger, right infront of me." Uni continued, he seemed deep in thought. "He slaughtered almost everyone in the town. Every man, woman, child, and animal was either slaughtered or locked in their houses to...To die..." Uni added, "He then started a fire. The fire spread t-to every house...E-Every inch of the town...It burned every corpse...It even burned those who were alive to death..." Uni continued, his voice wavering as if he was holding back tears. He was also trembling slightly, "Graser then came to me. I was the last one alive, he cursed me, believing I would die in the woods...But I didn't...He's been after me ever since."
He finished.

     We were all silent, and Uni hung his head, as if in shame. He was trembling, but it no longer seemed out of sadness. "Are you okay, Uni?" Nick questioned. "I'm...Fine." Uni said, lifting his head back up. "Uni...I had no idea." Dawn said, seeming suprised. Uni shrugged, "Nothing we can do now, I suppose." Uni answered, forcing a small smile. "Should we continue now?" He suddenly questioned. None of us spoke for a moment. "Well, I guess we can get another hour or two of walking in." Dawn said, looking up at the sky.

     Uni got up quickly, "Let's go then." He said quickly, beggining to walk down the path that we were heading down. We all got up to follow him, and I heard Nick whisper to Tommy. "Hey, did you notice anything, I don't know, fishy about that story?" He whispered. "No, we're nowhere near water." Tommy joked. "I'm serious! He was really hesitant..." Nick snapped back quietly. Tommy shrugged, "Who are we to question that? None of us were there. And why would he lie about that?" Tommy questioned as we began to follow Uni, and Cory, who had run up to walk beside Uni. "I'm kinda with Nick, though." Ashlie joined in. "But, like Tommy said, why would he lie about that?" Dawn questioned. I looked back at them, "Guys, maybe it was just hard to tell the story. It sounds like a pretty traumatic moment." I said quietly. They all glanced at each other. "Well, I guess so..." Nick murmured, speeding up to where Uni and Cory were, and we all followed him.

      We had been walking for a couple of hours now, and dusk was approaching quickly. Cory stopped walking as we made our way into a small clearing. He looked around, "Let's stay here for the night." Cory announced. Uni nodded, "Sounds like a good idea." He commented. We all agreed, sitting out stuff against one of the trees. We all sat down and started chatting and talking amongst each other. Our conversations were broken by Tommys stomach growling loudly. We all looked at him, and his ears were back in irritation. "Ya know, I'm kinda hungry too, Tommy." Nick commented. "Same here." Ashlie agreed. Tommy paused, then he looked at Cory hopefully. "Hey, Carl, can I go hunting for us?" He questioned curiously.

      Cory gave him an annoyed look, "It's Cory, you ignoranus, and I don't know...Remember what happened last time you went into the woods alone?" Cory questioned. I could tell Tommy rolled his eyes under his mask as that was said. "Oh come on! That was one time!" Tommy complained. "Yeah, but it was also the only time." Uni commented, making Tommy huff. "I could go with him, so we could be partners and have each other's backs." Nick said suddenly. Uni and Cory seemed to hesitate, "Well...I guess that's okay...But don't leave each other's sides, and be back by dark!" Uni ordered hesitantly. The two nodded, standing up. Tommy pulled his machete out and smiled, "I got this." Tommy said with a smile. Nick grabbed Tommy's arm, "And I got this." He joked. Then the two ran back into the woods.

A/N I'm SUPER excited about next chapter, so it should be out tommorow! And as always, I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY, AND GOODNIGHT PEEPS!!!!

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