Chapter 1; Where is Brian?

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It got towards 12am and Brian still wasn't home. I know he went out with the boys but I thought he would be home by now! I sat back on the couch and began watching TV.

I must have dozed off for a while because when I woke up it was around 2am. Brian was still not home so I got my phone to see if I had any messages.

Nothing was on my phone.

I looked confused and thought, should I give Brian a text? So I typed 'where are you?'

About 15 minutes later, my phone started ringing. Who could that be I wondered. I looked at my phone and saw Zacky's caller ID.

I quickly answered the phone! "Where are you and where is Brian?" I said. Zacky replied "Brian has passed out after drinking to much" I started to panic!! "Is he alright?" I got no answer. I shouted down the phone! "ZACKY" as I was crying. Zacky still didn't answer so I hung up the call and phoned Jimmy!

"Hello Kim" Jimmy said politely. "WHERES BRIAN AND WHY WASN'T ZACKY ANSWERING ME" "Brian has passed out and I don't know where Zacky has gone" Jimmy replied. At this point I was shaking and crying down the phone, "Jimmy" I asked "can you bring Brian home please" "Kim stop crying okay" Jimmy replied "I will have Brian home soon". With that I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone.

All that was going through my head was, when is Brian getting home?, where did Zacky go? And was Jimmy really now bringing him home??

20 minutes later, still no sign of Jimmy and Brian. At this point I had calmed down a bit and was chilled out.

I decided to go up stairs and put one of Brian's avenged shirts on. I got into bed and as I got comfortable, I heard a loud knock at the door. I thought to myself, Is that Jimmy and Brian so I shot out of bed and went down to open the door!

I opened the door to see only Matt and Johnny sanding there. Now I was really worried. "Hey guys, what are you doing here" Johnny replied with a quick reply "we were wondering where Brian, Zacky and Jimmy were.

I told them the story and my eyes started to well up. Slowly Matt came up to me and gave me a hug. At this point I burst out crying. I said to both the boys, "I'm scared about Brian" and both the guys looked serious.

Then all of a sudden there was another knock at the front door. Surely this had to be Jimmy and Brian or even Zacky??

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