Chapter 27; Meanwhile In Cali!

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"Wendy could you get the door please, it will be Steph coming home with Johnny." Becca shouted. "I have to do everything, Wendy this, Wendy that, it's starting to piss me off" Wendy said under her breath.

Wendy opened the door to see Steph and Johnny standing there. "Hey girl how are you feeling" Ava asked. "Getting there finally" Steph replied. "Have you heard anything off the guys or Kim recently?" "Yeah, Brian proposed to her first night of tour and they said they have been nailing the shows so far. You all going to the show in Cali next week?"

"STEPH, JOHNNY" Becca ran out of the kitchen shouting their names and gave them a massive hug. "So as I was saying" Wendy pipped up. "Are we all going to see the show in Cali next week?" "Of course we are Wendy, do you really think I would miss seeing our best friend, my boyfriend and the guys on stage?" She replied with a sarcastic tone. "I was only checking Jesus."

Wendy's POV

What the fuck, all I asked was a simple question and she seemed to bite my head off. Since Kim and the guys had gone on tour, she had been so bossy towards me. Was she missing Jimmy too much?

I went to sit back on the couch next to Ava and Steph. Becca was back in the kitchen finishing the washing up. "You alright Wendy?" Johnny said asking me. I nodded and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "I will be back in a minute, just going to make a phone call."

I ran upstairs into the spare room where I was staying and rung Kim. "Hey Wendy, how's things going there?" "Kim, I'm getting pissed off with Becca, she keeps controlling me and bossing me about." "Oh shit dude, are you okay?" At this moment I just burst into tears, I was missing Zacky more than anything and I just needed a hug. "Not really girl, I'm missing Zack so much and I just want a hug off him" "dude you will when we get back to Cali next week, you can have as much time as you want with him." "Can I speak to him now?" "Sorry no can do girl, he went out with Matt and Jimmy while me and Bri wanted a night alone." "Oh I see Kim, well I better let you go anyway so you and Bri can finish off your evening." She giggled down the phone and we said bye to each other before hanging up. I could trust Kim, she was my main girl who I had known the longest.

It hit 1am and the house was pretty much empty, I was staying with Becca because I hated being home alone. "I'm now off to bed dude, night." "NIGHT" Becca shouted back. I got changed into one of Zacky's shirts and slipped into bed, I was suddenly dosing off when all of a sudden my phone went off. It was Zacky's caller ID. "Hey baby, you okay?" I asked down the phone. "Yeeeeeees I'm fabuloussssss." "Have you been drinking again babe?" "What me, nahh, just wanted to call you to say I love you." "Aww I love you too Zachary." He giggled and hung up the phone. Aww he does really care about me, or was he just doing it because he was drunk and wouldn't remember a thing in the morning?

I was woken up by the warm beam of sunlight which peered through the curtains. I rubbed my eyes to check my phone. Hmm no messages or calls, that was a bit strange. I got up and went to take a shower, I could suddenly smell pancakes. I got out dried myself off and got changed. As I walked down the stairs I saw Becca cooking. "Morning girl, sleep well?" "Yeah it wasn't too bad, got woken up by the sunlight though." I replied back. "So what's the plan for today?" "Well I invited Ava, Steph and of course Johnny round for a movie day but Johnny and Steph said they might be a bit late as they're going to check on Benjamin." "Oh right cool."

I went to sit on the couch when all of a sudden my phone started ringing. It was Matt. What the hell did he want? "Matt hey, what's up?" "Urm can you get Becca on the phone, it's Jimmy." My heart sank to my stomach, oh fuck is Jimmy okay? "BECCA, MATTS ON THE PHONE AND NEEDS TO TALK TO YOU ITS JIMMY." Becca ran into the room as quick as possible. "Matt what's happened to Jimmy, FUCKING TELL ME NOW." "Woah calm down dude, it's not like he is dead." "You what Matt?" "Okay Jimmy had way to much to drink last night and passed out, he hasn't woken up since and he is now in hospital." "FUCK NOO, THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING." "Becca whatever you do, don't come looking for us, we will be moving on to the next date in a couple of days." She handed the phone back to me and I told Matt that I will talk to her. He hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Becca listen to me, I know what it's like, when Kim was in hospital and Johnny and Steph, it was fucking scary." "Wendy just shut the fuck up okay, they were your best mates, not your fucking boyfriend okay, so get out of my sight." I couldn't believe what she just said to me. I grabbed my leather jacket and headed out the front door. What the fuck, I said to myself as I walked down the road. I was so pissed off with her, how do I call her one of my main girls huh? Just fucking how??

Writers Note; Hey guys, just wanted to say thankyou so much for the reads/votes and comments. You are all honestly awesome! I just wanted to say sorry about this chapter, it's really short and boring but I just wanted to show you what was happening back in California but anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment! ^__^

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