The Undying Love

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Another wonderful day started to the Cruz family. For others, this is just another ordinary day. People will go to their work, kids will get ready for school, or in short the day will just be another tiring day for all of them. But this is not how the Cruz family looks at it. For them, this is a brand new day where they have a chance to continue the journey of their lives. There is no doubt why there are some people most likely their neighbors feel a little envy about them because they seem like a picture of a perfect family.

Margaret, the loving mother and wife is so busy cooking their delightful breakfast and also at the same time, she is preparing the lunch boxes of her husband and son. Tough job isn't? But if you ask Margret about it she doesn't mind at all and besides, doing these makes her even happier. She loves taking care of her family and that's one of the reasons why she chose her family over her career.

In their bedroom, Joseph just finished putting all the documents in his briefcase and then he put his uniform on. Before he goes to their dining room, he will go to Rob's room to wake him up. He does this every day because he knows how sleepy head his son is. Joseph knocks on the door and he wait for a couple of seconds, but Rob did not answer. He knocks it again but still there's no response. He open the door and there he see his child is still dreaming. He slowly walks toward Rob and sits on the bed. Joseph is trying to wake him up by gently tapping his son's arm. "Wake up, buddy. You're going to be late." Rob just grab his pillow and hug it tightly. "Come on, Dad. Give me five more minutes. Mrs. Potts will understand if I meet her late today." Joseph smile a bit, "Okay then, I guess you'll miss your first day in your regular school." He said. Joseph emphasized the word "Regular school" to see if this will excite him and wake him up. And it worked. Rob woke up and starting jumping on his bed. "No, Dad! I'm awake! I'm awake, Dad!' Rob said. Joseph holds his son to stop him from jumping and to make him calm. He looks at Rob, "Okay, okay ha-ha! But there is one thing you need to promise. Best behavior, okay? We do not want this boom-boom to get tired again. We don't want that, right?" He said while pointing to son's chest. Rob giggles and squeeze his Daddy's face, "Yes Dad, I won't do anything that will make you and Mom worry." He said. Joseph pats his son's head and told him to take a shower. Before Joseph leaves the room, he prepares Rob's bag and uniform.

After Rob took a refreshing bathe, he is so excited to wear his new uniform. While brushing his hair, he genuinely smiles while seeing himself at the mirror wearing the uniform of his new school. Afterwards, he goes down to their dining room to meet his Mom and Dad. "Mom! Dad! Look!" he said when he arrives. Margaret and Joseph happily look to their son. Margaret comes closer to Rob and slightly bended her knee so she can reach the height of her son. "You look handsome on that, my baby" she said in a very cute way. Rob acted like he is disgust when he heard what his Mom said. 'Eww.. No, Mom!" he complained. Joseph and Margaret just laughed. "Mom, I'm not a baby anymore so please stop calling me that." He added. Margaret smiles at him and says, "Ha-ha! But why Mommy can't call you baby anymore?" she teased. Margaret is start pinching her son's cheeks. Rob is trying to remove his Mom's fingers from pinching on his cute cheeks, but Margaret couldn't help herself.  "It's because I'm going to a regular school now, Mom. That's why you can't call me 'baby' anymore. So Mommy, please let go." Rob said. Margaret giggles and says, "No, I will still call you "baby" whether you like or not." And give her son a bear hug. Joseph joins their conversation while adding some creamer to his coffee. "You heard him, Honey. Our son is not a baby anymore. He's a big boy now, right son?" he said and showed his thumbs up and Rob also do the same thing. "It doesn't matter. He is still my one and only baby." Margaret said while making those cute gestures. Rob couldn't disagree anymore, "Okay Mom! But you have to pinky promise that you'll just call me "baby" when we're only here the house" he said while raising his pinky finger. Margaret looks at him while she's still locking Rob in her arms. "Hmm... Okay then. Pinky promise" Margaret said. But before she let go Rob she gave him a kissed on his cheeks. And Rob suddenly hugs his Mom and say "That's a promise, Mommy! And yes, I'm still your one and only baby" he said. Rob couldn't resist his Mom after all. After their sweet and cute moment, they've started to eat their breakfast.

Margaret accompanies Rob to school since today is his first day in regular school. Before she leaves, she bends her knees and solemnly looks at Rob. "Rob, are you excited?" she asked. Rob gives her a genuine smile, "I am, Mom! I'm so excited to meet new friends!" he replied. She caress her Rob's hair, "I know you're Dad already told you to behave and reminded you about your limitations" she said. Rob nodded "Yes, Mommy he did" he said. "But in case something happen, go and tell it to your teacher. Okay?" Margaret added. Rob gave her a warm smile, "Yes, Mom. I will keep that in mind" he said. "We know we're kind of being overprotected but I hope you will understand why. We want to make you happy but also at the same time we want you to be safe." Margaret explained. She caresses Rob's face and says, "Daddy and I love you very much. No matter what happen we are always here for you and we want to make you happy." Rob didn't utter a word but instead he gave his Mom a warm hug and whispered to Margaret saying, "I love you, Mommy. I love you both so much." Margaret hugged him back. "I love you, Rob" she replied. Rob waved to his Mommy and he enters his new school.

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