Chapter Twenty-Four - Changing Room Creep

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THE REST OF SUPPER was more lighthearted. On the surface, my father and Luc got along too well for my liking, but it would work in my favor when I'd be grounded. Dad would be less mad if I brought in a guy he approved of.

We helped clear the table and wash the dishes, then it was time for him to get off the hook. I accompanied him toward the entrance, arms crossed. As soon as we were out of earshot, I was at a loss for words.

"I'm so, so sorry about my father," I gushed. "I'd only told him about that first night before I knew what was going on. Nothing else, I promise."

His stare was dagger-sharp. "Your old man's a little too smart, too well-placed for comfort. He's military?"

"Retired," I emphasized.

"What does he do now?"

"He's an engineer. He inspects, fixes technical issues or improves systems."

"Still with the military?"

I can imagine why he wasn't keen about this new bit of information, but Navy Seals had nothing to do with mutation experiments. Dad couldn't know anything I didn't share.

"Kind of," I said. "He's not on the field anymore, so I'm not sure how that works."

He seemed to want to argue over it, but I summoned my best attempt at a scary look. It got a short laugh out of him until he sobered up.

"Keep a close eye on him before I decide to do it myself," he commented and kept silent until I nodded. "Aside from that, the damage is done. At least it was good spaghetti."

I was glad Dad came home at that time, before one of us would have done regrettable shenanigans in that bathroom. It would have been a world of regret. So not what I needed.

"Well, I'm sure you can't wait to get out there in the cold and patrol." I slid past him to unlock the door. "Have fun."

He stepped onto the porch, wood cracking under his weight. "One last thing."


He curled a finger to draw me closer. I quirked an eyebrow. He lowered his head, whispering into my ear, "Nice pajamas, Sunshine."

Naturally, I hadn't predicted an incident happening tonight, so I had no time to make myself more presentable.

I sported a never-before-seen crossover of a slightly overgrown Hello Kitty shirt and SpongeBob jammy shorts. They were from years ago.

Before he'd mock me any further, I shooed him off, and he was gone trice, leaving nothing but a gust of wind. I went back inside with a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.

We had been this close to kissing, even if we didn't like each other like that. I had no clue what had possessed us—okay, yeah. Maybe I did have a clue. Stunning face and stunning body? Who wouldn't have a moment of weakness? But I figured we were over that.

I hoped it wouldn't be awkward later because of it. I liked Adam. Luc was miles out of my league, and I refused to endure his attitude longer than necessary.

He also happened to be a mutant. Yeah, no. Out of the question.

More importantly, we succeeded at hiding the real stuff, but I couldn't shake the guilt from Ben's injury and the corpse out in the woods.

I have never stopped to think how long I'd have to keep up with this. How long would this go on? When would this Wanderer issue be fixed and I'd be free again?

Dad sat on the couch, paging through the newspaper.

I rounded the coffee table.

He glanced above his reading glasses, then lowered them as I joined him on the couch. "I decided not to ground you. You will only be doing all the dishes for the entire week."

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