Chapter 1: You enter the Swamp.

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While walking in the forest alone, it starts to get misty and dark, not sure where you are you decide to take a turn left. The turn you just had taken wasn't as normal as it was back where you were before; it had gotten more misty and the area was nastier than before.

'What is this place?' You whisper to yourself. 

Coming up to some bushes you pass them, it leads you to an open area. It had looked like there was a house there; made out of sticks, logs, and straw. Confused you go up to the door and examine it and lightly knock your first on the door. You began to hear loud foot steps coming towards the door you had just knocked on. 

"Who is it that enters MY swamp?!" a man yelled.

The door swings open and you see a large green looking man. Could it be an ogre? Trying not to act terrified, you wave politely. 

"U-Uhm, Hello! Do you perhaps live here?" 

He cocks an eyebrow up and shows his yellow teeth with a smile. 

"Yeah, I do. What may your name be?" 

"My name is (Your Name)."

The man continues to smile at you and gazed into your eyes. 

"Well. Hello, (y/n)." he paused. "My name is Shrek. You should come along inside!"

He grabs your arm and pulls you inside, slamming the door behind you. 

((this is some mighty strong autism going on in here))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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