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[Monday Night Raw]

Authors Pov:

Everyone was getting ready for their promos and matches for Raw. Raw starts off with Roman and Miley's promo where they confesa their love for one another lets see how this goes....

Roman's Pov:

I stood in the center of the ring waiting to start the promo. Finally the crowd quieted down and I raised the mic I held to my lips.

"Ok everyone you know how Miley and I have been at each other's throats the past few weeks and being nasty? Well that's all about to change. I've decided to tell her my true feelings. Let's hope she doesn't nail me in the nuts for what I'm about to tell her," I said and the crowd laughed.

I cleared my throat. "Miley will you please come out to the ring?" I asked.

Miley's music plays and she walks out and climbs into the ring. She's handed a mic and she stands in front of me.

"What's up Roman? Besides your ego," she asked and I heard "Ooh!"

"Look Miley there's something I've been wanting to say to you for the past few weeks but I've been holding back," I said.

"I can only wonder," Miley said. "Here goes. Miley, for the past few weeks, while we were putting each other down, I was crushing on you. In other words," I said looking into her eyes, "I've fallen in love with you."

Miley looked at me in complete shock. Then she smiled. "Well there's something I've been meaning to tell you as well," she said softly.

She stepped closer to me and placed a hand on my cheek. "I've fallen in love with you too," she said then pressed her lips to mine in a soft kiss. I started kissing her back, the mic dropping to the mat as I pulled her against me.

We stayed that way for about five minutes then I turned back to the crowd. "Miley and I need to let y'all in on a little secret......we've been togetherfor a lot longer than you think! We've been seeing each other outside the ring. And well.....," I said looking at Miley who nodded, "we're expecting our first baby!"

The crowd cheered as I scooped Miley up into my arms. I eased out of the ring with her and started walking backwards up the ramp as everyone cheered. I got to the top and laid another kiss on Miley before we disappeared backstage.


Trinity Pov:

I was in hair and makeup getting ready for an interview before my match with Gabby. The hair stylist began placing lime green and purple extensions into my long dark brown hair as the makeup artist lined my green eyes with purple eyeliner.

Shawn walked in at that moment carrying a single red rose. He smiled as he handed it to me.

"Looking beautiful baby," he said kissing me. I kissed him back. "Awe thanks babe," I said.

"You ready for Gabby? I hear she's gunning for a win tonight," Shawn asked watching as the makeup artist made up my eyes.

"Please. Gabby's nothing but a wannabe. She'll never be as good as me," I said just as Gabby walked in. She scowled at me and I knew she had heard the last part of my statement. "I'd watch my mouth if I were you lil girl," she snapped at me.

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