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|Monday Night Raw|
|The Plan|

Dean's Pov:

I sat in Nessa's locker room watching her get ready. Roman and Miley had gone to Kurt and told him what was going on and he had assigned all of us separate locker rooms for the night and had extra security manning every entrance.

"Do you think she's here?" Nessa asked me as she pulled on her black leather wrestling shorts. "More than likely she's prowling around looking for Seth and Gabby. I just hope our plan goes off without a hitch," I said. Nessa came over to me and sat on my lap wrapping her arms around my neck. She laid her head on my shoulder and started crying.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" I asked rubbing her back gently. Nessa raised her head and looked at me.

"When us girls figured out it was Amber doing this shit, and we figured out who she'd be after, when Roman's name was mentioned......Dean it scared me," Nessa said. "And if she hurt him or worse.....it would kill me. Miley's my best girlfriend and don't get me wrong, I'd hate to lose her and my baby nephew, but Roman and I have a very special relationship and if I lost any of them....I couldn't live."

I sat there thinking about what she had just said. She was right. If something were to happen to Roman and Miley and the baby, I couldn't live. Roman was my best friend along with Seth, but what the three of us had was much stronger than any friendship. And Miley and Gabby were my sisters, they were the light of Roman's and Seth's lives. And little JJ, all nestled in his warm womb, my lil nephew. If Amber took any of them, along with the light of my life Nessa, away from me, I would basically die of a broken heart.

"I know what you mean baby," I said hugging her tight. "If I were to lose you or anyone in my family, I couldn't live. We need to take this bitch down!" Nessa looked at me smiling through her tears.

"Baby you couldn't live without me?" she asked as if she didn't believe me. "Yeah baby I'd die of a broken heart," I said. "I would too if I lost you or anyone I love," she said and our lips met in a love filled kiss.

Dolph's Pov"

I paced back and forth in my and Bella's temporary locker room, thinking about what was gonna happen with Seth's stalker Amber. When Bella told me Amber was coming after Seth and Gabby, along with her Roman Miley and Dean, I saw red. Nobody messes with my family and gets away with it.

"Dolph babe stop pacing like that. You're going to wear the carpet out," Bella said as she got ready for RAW.

"I cant help it baby. I keep thinking about that bitch Amber and what she wants to do," I said. I finally stopped pacing and dropped down onto the couch. "I just----," I started to say but my throat clogged up with tears.

Bella walked over and sits on my lap facing me. "Baby you're crying.......you never cry," Bella said softly, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"I'm just so scared that something is going to happen to you......to Seth and Gabby......to Roman and Miley and JJ......I don't want anything to happen to my family!" I said.

"You forgot Dean and Nessa and Benny and Baron," Bella said. "Them too. Sorry. But you, Seth, Gabby, Roman and Miley are the ones I don't want to lose. Bella you're everything to me....my best friend, my soulmate, the light of my life. I'd die if I lost any of you," I said.

"Awe baby," Bella said. "You're not going to lose me or any of us. Miley's plan will go off without a hitch and Amber will rot away in jail." I smiled. "You're right baby," I said and kissed her back.

Seth's Pov:

I sat on the couch staring at the door of the temporary locker room that Kurt had put me and Gabby in. "For your safety," was how he put it. I didn't believe it for a second. Amber was a sneaky bitch. For all we knew she was already here in the arena prowling around looking for Gabby and me.

"You ok baby?" I heard Gabby ask and I looked at her. "No. I'm scared out of my fucking mind," I said as she sat down beside me. I grabbed her hand. "I just don't want anything happening to you and me."

Suddenly the door bangs open and Amber is standing there with a gun pointed right at us!

"Finally!" Amber said walking in and slamming the door shut. I grabbed Gabby and pulled her close to me. "Why are you doing this Amber?!" I yelled hoping someone walking by would hear me.

"Because.......I lost the love of my LIFE because of you!! You took his dream and shattered it!!! Since I lost Ty you're going to lose your precious Gabby!!" Amber screamed and aimed the gun at Gabby's head.

The door slammed open at that moment and Roman Dean Nessa and Miley ran in. "Amber! Put down the gun!" Roman yelled at Amber who ignored him.

Miley stood in front of me and Gabby. "If you want them then you'll have to go through me!" she yelled. Amber walked up to Miley and shoves her hard causing her togo flying and hitting the opposite wall.

"Miley!!" Roman and Gabby said at the same time. Roman ran over to her and knelt by her. "Babygirl? You ok?" I heard him ask and Miley sat up with a groan. "Ow my shoulder," she said as Roman helped her to stand.

Amber shook her head at them then aimed the gun at my head. "I've changed my mind. I'm not going to kill Gabby.....I'm gonna make her suffer like I did when I lost Ty! I'm gonna kill YOU Seth!!" she said and pulled the trigger.

The bullet moved in slow motion towards my head. I saw a black blur out of the corner of my eye and next thing I knew Dean was laying on the floor in front of me blood pouring out of his shoulder!

"Dean!!" I said kneeling by his side as Nessa knelt by his other side. "You idiot! You could've been killed!" I said as Nessa pressed a towel to Dean's shoulder.

"Takes more than this to kill a lunatic," Dean cracked and we all laughed. "Shut the HELL up all of you!!!!" Amber screamed then aimed the gun at me again. Just as she went to pull the trigger, Miley tackles her from behind and the gun falls to the floor.

Miley started punching and kicking Amber, beating her bloody. Gabby grabbed the gun and aimed at Amber just as the police and Kurt ran in. I walked over to Gabby and took the gun from her and a cop took it from me. "It's over baby," I said and she collapsed into my arms crying.

Roman pulled Miley off of Amber and the cops arrested her. We all knew she'd be in prison for the rest of her life. Dean was checked out by the paramedics and bandaged up. I looked at the people I called my family. "Thank you everyone for saving me and Gabby. We love you all," I said and we all shared a huge group hug.

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