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The birds chirped outside my window as the ways of light shined upon my face. I sat there for a while before sighing and getting out of bed. I started to get ready as I planned to go outside and go to my favorite shop to make me feel better. Once I was ready I walked downstairs, put the door, locked it behind me and took off in my journey.


Once getting there, she made her order and sat down on one of the near by tables. Pulling out her phone, she explored the new device as she just got it from U.A. High.

Suddenly someone taped on her next, she looked up to see a man who quickly got in her face and said, "Hey cutie! Why are you sitting here all alone? Do you want me to sit with you? 'Ew, why does he smell like that?'

You where about to tell him to please go away because currently you're only 11. But another boy who seemed to be around your age, with spiky blond hair and red eyes came next to him and shouted, "HEY DOUCHEBAG! GET AWAY FROM HER YOU PEDOPHILE!" I glared at him and whispered, "we are in a small store, stop yelling." He obviously had already done the damage and two security cards came up and told him to escort him out of the store. I look at him one more time and said thank you. He nodded and walked passed me and I slipped a piece of paper that had my number on it. After, a waiter came and handed me my cheesecake. I quickly thanks him and started to eat. I thought back to that boy who kind of saved me and smile to myself a bit before pulling out my phone again. 'Maybe now I'll have someone to talk to..'

Time skip:
U.A. Entrance extreme

I felt my lip quiver as the cold air started to blow my hair back. I lifted my scarf up a bit higher and took a deep breath and started walking toward the U.A. school. I'm pretty pissed right now, I shouldn't even have to do this stupid test. You then remember what principal nezu said to you yesterday morning.      "(Y/N), I'm here to let you know that tomorrow, you'll be taking the entrance exam! Even though you are guaranteed in, we have to make it seem far to the other students!"

I sighed once more as I stepped into the auditorium, found my seat and took another deep breath. "What with you and deep breaths?" I jumped at the voice as I looked to my left. It was a girl that looked close to an alien, she had pink skin and hair, with yellow horns and iris with black sclera. She giggled a bit as she continued to talk, "I walked next to you the whole time and you either sighed or took a deep breath like twice on your way here."

I started to fidget with my hand subconsciously as I thought of an answer looking down at my feet. "Yeah, I'm not in a very good mood today I suppose." I finally answered. "Arnt we all? We are always getting super early for these meetings! It gets so annoying, especially for school." I giggled a bit as I was about to answer back but was interrupted by a loud booming sound.



"Pffft..." I heard Mina laugh quietly to herself. I guess it was funny how he thought he would get the attention of moody 14 year olds by screaming and telling them to do something. He sighed and asked one more time.

The Ringtone (katsuki bakugou x reader x shouto todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now