What happened?

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It had been what felt like hours since anyone has heard from Rocco. I paced back and forth across the room as the boys sat at the table starring at the phone. My mind was a million different places. What if he was dead? What if he was hurt! I shook my head fighting back the tears and fear I felt. He had to be ok. That man wasn't just a friend to me, he was my family. A brother just like Connor is. I jumped from my thoughts when the phone rang. Murphy grabbed it before the first ring ended,


i quickly ran by connors side and watched murphy intently. He starred at me and breathed a sigh of relief,

"roc are you ok?"

I smiled and and grabbed the phone from him,

"roc? It's Olivia, are you ok?"

"I'm fine I'm fine" he reassured me.

"thank god. Where are you?" I asked.

he was silent for a minute and then said,"see ya on the flip side" and the phone line went dead.

"roc? Are you there? Rocco!" I yelled into the phone worried.

nothing....just silence. My heart pounded nervously as I hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" Connor asked.

"he said something about catching him on the flip side" I said confused.

Murphy walked around the table and wrapped me in his arms. I snuggled into his chest and heard him whisper,"he'll be ok liv."

i sighed and nodded against his chest while looking at Connor. He gave me a reassuring smile when we heard the door open. I turned my head to look and saw it was Rocco's drunken girlfriend and some friend.

"it's just Donna" murphy whispered to Connor who nodded.

i heard her start calling for her cat and I smirked cuddling my head into Murphy's warm chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head and chuckle silently.

3 hours later.

the door busted open. The boys and I quickly sprang to our feet, murphy pushing me behind him. That's when we saw it was Rocco. He was running, freaking out and screaming.

"Pack your shit! We gotta get outta here! We gotta get out!"

my heart was pounding heavily and I started to shake as murphy walked to the frenzied man. Donna and her friend were still drunk as hell on the couch. I looked to Connor and he started putting his boots on,

"What happened?"

"I killed em! Oh, Jesus! I killed em all!!" Roc Screamed packing stuff up.

"Rocco?" Donna asked drunkly.

i looked at her and rolled my eyes, picking up my boots.

"Hey, hey. Just calm down. Tell us what happened!" Murphy yelled.

"No! Fuck you! You start getting excited! We gotta fucking go!" Rocco yelled knocking things over.

"Rocco!" Donna yelled again.

i quickly grabbed my bag and so did Connor. Murphy was still over by by roc.

" Who did you kill?" Connor asked standing by me.

"Holy shit. Who? How many?" Murphy asked picking up his bag and Grabbing my hand.

it concerned me how excited he was getting.

"Hurry the fuck up!" Rocco yelled still not answering any of the boys questions.

"This is some crazy shit, man!" Murphy said.

"Those cocksuckers sold me out!" Rocco yelled.

i gasped. We had been right.

"Did I fuckin' tell ya, Rocco? They pull on you first?" Connor asked.

"ROCCO!" Donna yelled again.

i rolled my eyes. What the hell does she want!

"What did I fuckin' do?... in the middle of the Lakeview." Rocco cried.

"Lakeview the deli? Oh, shit!" Connor said shocked.

"Ha! Ha! Roc, you got a jumbo set of coconut balls man!" Murphy joked squeezing my hand.

"ROCCO!" Donna and her friend yelled.

rocco turned in rage,"what!!!!"

"Where's my cat?" She asked softly.

rocco stopped and threw his bags on the ground,"I killed your fuckin' cat, you druggie bitch!"

Donna gasped, acting both shocked and hurt. They went on fighting for a few more seconds. I don't see why she cared about that cat! She was never here in the first place. Hell she didn't even know what color it was. Finally Rocco grabbed his bag and ran out the door with the three of us behind him.

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