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Murphy's pov

ive looked all fuckin day. I've searched every corridor, every alleyway, every hotel, hell even da old comic book store she use to work at! Where da fuck was she! I was getting frustrated wiff myself as I slid my back on a brick building. I fought the tears of aggrivation that threatened to spill.

"Please god, I know I don't deserve it, but just give me a sign." I whispered looking at the ground.

i sighed and then looked back towards the streets. I was a lost man. Then I felt something brush up against my leg. I looked down to see a damn cat. Da fuck? It looked like da cat that Rocco shot. I gently kicked it off of me and the damn thing came right back. I was starting to get annoyed,

"get da fuck off a me" I said kicking at it again.

it meows and just looks at me. Alright sumthings gotta be wrong with dis thing. It finally turns away, but heads across the street. I watch it as it skillfully makes it through the traffic safely to the other side and stops infront of a building. I look at da sign on the building that reads "mcgintys" damn I hadn't even noticed I walked dis far. The whole last hour been like a haze to me. I sighed and made my way cross da street and walked into da bar. I was greeted with the smiling face of doc,


"I've been better doc. Mind if I get a shot?" I asked sitting at the bar.

"not at all" he said and poured me one handing it to me,""

I drank the whiskey and set the cup back down on the bar,"really messed up wit liv doc"

"o...Olivia..?" He stuttered.

"ya. She's pregnant doc and I sent her off on er own, said sum things I'll regret till the day I die" I said regretfully.

he just starred at me. I sighed,"been lookin for er all day. Thought it would be safer for er and da baby if they were both away from me, but I was wrong. I need her doc, it's selfish of me I know, but I need er"

"it's" he said.

i nodded,"more dan me own life. I wanna marry er. I want ta have da baby and be a family with er. What can I do? I can't find er anywhere dough."

"she closer dan ya dink lad" doc said not looking at me now, but behind me.

i arched an eyebrow and turned in the seat to where his eyes landed. I suddenly froze and began to shake. My eyes widened at the sight of Olivia standing in the doorway. She looked like she was about to cry. How long has she been standing there? She looked about as shocked to see me as I was to see her.

"I...I..I'll leave ya" doc said and left the room.

we just starred at each other for a few more moments. I slowly got up from my seat,"liv? I.."

"save it murph" she cut me off,"what are ya doing here?"

"I've been lookin for ya all day. I was an idiot" I started to say.

"ya you were" she said crossing her arms over her chest.

i sighed. I deserved that. I slowly started to make my way to her,"liv I didn't mean one word I said to ya"

she turned so she wouldn't face me anymore. I heard her sniffle when she said,"o ya? Ya sounded pretty convincing at the time."

i inched closer to er,"I had ta. It's da only way I knew yad listen to meh. Liv listen we both know dat dis isn't safe. For any of us, especially da baby."

i heard her whimper as I inched closer almost touching her,"but I can't take being away from ya. Probably da most selfish thing I could ever do. Liv I need ya."

i finally rested a hand on her shoulder. She immediately shrugged me off making my whole world crash down. She turned to me with tears staining her cheeks and broke down,

"no you can't do that! You can just come back and expect everything to be ok and go back to how it was after what you said!"

"Liv I messed up I know but dammit I couldn't take it if ya or da baby got killed! It already almost happened! I'm scared ta death liv! I don't know how ta be a father! I sure as hell don't know how ta be a husband!" I yelled.

she froze,"husband?" Her voice cracked.

i sighed and approached her slowly grabbing both her hands in mine,"aye. I may not be sure of much liv, but I am sure of one thing. I love ya. I'd go to da moon and back for ya liv. I know I can't provide ya with much and I can't give ya a normal life,but what I can promise ya is I will love ya till the day I die, even after and I will protect our family with every ounce of me dat I got."

i watched as her eyes got watery again as I dropped one of my hands into my coat pocket and grabbed onto the ring I had put in there the previous night. I placed it in her hands and she looked from my eyes to the ring. Her eyes widened when she saw it and gasped,


"I love ya liv and I want ya to be by my side forever. Marry me" I said nervously.

i let go of her hands and she wrapped her fingers around the ring. She looked up at me nervously,"I don't want you to feel like you have to do this because I'm pregnant."

"I'm not" I said seriously.

her eyes searched mine for a minute and then whispered,"yes"

"wha?" I asked.

she smiled and slid the ring on er finger,"yes murphy I'll marry you"

this brought a huge smile to my face as I brought her lips to mine hungerily. This woman was like my own personal drug which wouldn't bother me if I over dosed. I needed her and she needed me. We were gonna be a family and hell if I'd let anyone ruin that.

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