still Jeffs p.o.v
I watch Shadow asleep he's so adorable and he's now mine and even spoke a word to me he's snuggling me in his sleep I guess I'm warm wow he's freezing I pull him closer and he opens his eyes and lays his head on my chest and snuggles me some more and drifts off to sleep I smile I can't go to sleep or someone will kill him.
I yell for Ben he comes out of my lamp what I say can you watch Shadow while I sleep please I don't want him to get hurt pweeeeeeeeees, Ben????? I'm fucking tired -.-
Ben p.o.v
-sighs- fine Jeff goes to bed ill keep watch of your precious than before I know it Jeffs knocked out wow he was fucking tired and holding on the dear thing to death.
He really does care about this boy Jeff looks cute when he sleeps what nuu I'm not gay or bi like him im straight I love girls -.- sigh I lock his door and window and sit near the window near Jeff asleep I can't help but stare at Jeff and his sleeping body he seems relaxed and calm for once and before I know it is kissing him okay fine I like Jeff I liked him since we were kids me and him are best friends -.- I pull away Dammit I move away and sit on the floor and fall asleep when I hear the door opening I wake up and its Rake oh shit Shadow but before I know it Jeffs awake and pissed.
Jeff p.o.v
I awake hearing snoring knowing it's not shadow but I try sleeping again I was about to when I hear a creek fo the door I glance over and Bens asleep on the floor when I see it Rake I jump out of bed and scare the hell out of Ben I say Ben get Shadow if I get hurt run far away with him if I don't get hurt still fucking teleport him somewhere Nowwwww!!!!
Ben does as told and leaves and I get scratched by rake -.- now I'm pissed I beat the shit out of him and yell for Slendy Slendy comes in and gets mad and pulls Rake away and teleports somewhere Damn I'm immortal all of us are but got this hurts I have to go kill something I run of bleeding to death and kill seventeen people that lived in one house and call for Ben he comes back and Shadows awake and looks at meh and hugs meh.
I feel so dizzy and Ben runs over and catches meh saying he beat the shit out of you Jeff I say yeah so but then I black out hearing Shadow say Sowwie you hurt Jeff with tears in his eyes.
Shadow p.o.v
I wake up in Bens' arms wtf I rub my eyes he says oh your awake uhh I'm Ben and uhh you came with Jeff and well Jeff had to take care of something I write on a paper like what eh says oh well he had to make sure Rake doesn't hurt you I nod but then think 0__0 Rake will hurt him then Jeff calls and we teleport to him Jeffs hurt ;'[ I say I'm sowwie jeff then he blacked out and I lay his head on my lap and Slendy comes and says ill clean Jeff up Shadow everyone wants to meet you Shadow don't worry any one's gonna hurt you or they will die -.- I nod and go with Ben.