A New Nightmare Begins: The Game Begins

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He was back... And he wanted to kill us all most likely. I could almost hear his demented voice from my dreams.

Naruto... Sakura... Come here!

I shuddered; everyone was seeing it now. Kiba, Choji, Sai, Principal Tsunade... I mean everyone. We were all looking for answers as we sat in the gym. The teachers were quietly talking amongst themselves to figure something out.

Sakura and I made eye contact and I knew we thought the same thing; they all deserve to know what really happened with Sasuke. I stood and began walking to Tsunade; I stop when I heard a sound similar to that one's shoe will make if it is soaked through with rain or water; just a moist squishing sound.

We all started to look around until we heard Hinata scream. We looked to her as she pointed up; her face white and tears rolling down . After the second it took people to register her reaction, we saw it too... many more people could do nothing more than scream or begin praying that what we saw wasn't real.

A horribly burned body was dragging a mutilated Orochimaru by the hair and dropped him in front of all of us with a pearly white smile.

"Hello." A dark voice purred past the charred lips." It's so nice to see you again; Naruto... Sakura."

My eyes widen and my heart accelerated; "S-sasuke."

"Yo." His lips closed, but still formed a smile. His skin hardly showed any more of that beautiful pale skin he had; most of it was red and black from the charring due to the flames. Some spots didn't even have the flesh any more, just dark red meat or even bone. His hair was ratty but still present surprisingly. His eyes were solid black... No white, no light.

"Oi~, usarontonkachi~." Sasuke cooed in a dementedly dark tone.

I looked up from observing the horror and pain I caused him. "W-What?"

"Where's Sakura?" He asked as his tone dropped.

I looked around and definitely saw no Sakura Haruno... that useless coward!

Sasuke's eyes followed mine and he smiled again. "I'll strike you a deal."

Everyone looked to Sasuke; eagerly awaiting his offer.

"Kill Sakura Haruno the very same way you killed me and prep her as a doll. I will leave further instructions for you afterwards..."

"It's that easy?" Rock Lee asked.

Sasuke smiled and looked to him. "You only wish." Sasuke's face was derange and frightening. "Every 20 minutes I will kill one of you." Everyone's eyes turned towards the door Sakura ran out of. Sasuke continued. "Whoever catches her, kills her the way I told you to, and turns her corpse into a doll for me shall NEVER see me again."

"And what about everyone else?" I asked. There was more Sasuke wasn't saying...

"Well~, you all will find that one out later now... won't you?" Sasuke chuckled and suddenly Orochimaru's body split in half. His torso flew up and almost hit Kiba, Sai, and me. He vanished after that, leaving a scorch mark in his wake.

"Would he want you too, Naruto?" I looked to Sai.

"Probably." I said sadly... I need to let them know.

"What did he mean by 'kill her the way you killed me'?" Tsunade asked in a dark and authoritative tone. "He died in a freak-accident."

"No he didn't." I started... "Sakura and...And I killed him."

I heard gasps and whispers arise immediately after I said that.

"How?" Hinata asked. "How could you kill him?" She and Sasuke were friends and I knew she would never forgive me for this. But this was a sin that Sakura and I committed and we now had to pay for it.

"We were scared..." I began as I told them the story of how Sakura and I killed Sasuke. There were so many painful questions, even some that I already asked myself.

"I say we kill Naruto and Sakura for safety." I looked up as one of the school-board members spoke. "What's the life of two mean when weighed against the life of a 100?"

I kept my mouth shut at the old man's comment; he was right. I had it coming after killing Sasuke.

"Danzou!" Tsunade scolded, "We will not kill anyone." She said darkly. "And no one is going to be sacrificed; it's just some bastard trying to scare us."

"The carving and blood Naruto and I saw in Oro-sensei's room does not connect with that half-assed story. I also would like for this to be true... that it was the work of some demented kid. But it's not, this is the manifestation of Sasuke's hatred and anger... and it's here to kill whoever does not obey." Shikamaru said sternly, I am sure like myself, everyone else realized at that moment Shikamaru was the one person you wanted to stick with if you wanted to live.

A click could be heard from a way away with the silence that followed Shikamaru's proclamation. A light buzzing started up; I looked around because it seemed off. I noticed out of the corner of my eye; Kiba and Shikamaru were doing the same.

Most people were too busy discussing what they were going to do as we pondered the noise. I just thought it was a generator kicking on until I saw the look on Kiba's face. Kiba first moved toward Shikamaru and whispered in his ear. Shika then grabbed him and Choji and made their way to me. Temari saw Shikamaru moved towards me, I made eye contact with her as she dragged her brothers over to me.

The group stopped before me and looked to Kiba and Shika. Kiba looked worse and worse by the second.

"What is the noise?" I asked the two. Temari perked a brow, Gaara didn't seem to surprised, whilst Choji and Kankuro seemed horribly confused.

"It's far off but it sounds like a chainsaw." Kiba whimpered out.

"That wouldn't be a chainsaw if it was Sasuke, it would be a hacksaw... like he had that night."

"How can you remember that, Blondie?" Temari asked as she looked over.

I sighed, slightly lowering my head, I was about to speak when Shikamaru spoke up.

"That doesn't matter now. We should think about ourselves for the moment... none of the staff nor do other students think I was serious about the whole Sasuke being undead thing..."

"He is." I interjected; Shikamaru nodded.

"Thanks. Still you guys, we have to devise a way to stop Sasuke before he hunts down and kills everyone in the school."

"He mentioned "I" with too much emphasis when he was saying that he would kill someone every 20 minutes." Gaara said in his almost unemotional voice... I think he may have a grudge against me for killing Sasuke... I had heard that they dated for a bit and Gaara still cared for Sasuke.

"Right, thanks Gaara." Shikamaru said quickly as he closed his eyes to think. "Do you think he may resurrect other spirits to help him?"

We all looked at Shikamaru... Sasuke may not be the only one in this game...

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