The Hunt

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Shikamaru, Kiba, Choji, Temari, Gaara, Kankuro, Sai, and I started to make our way to the door Sakura ran out of... I think she knew this was coming. She knew Sasuke wanted her dead since she was the one who was planning to kill him if things went out of hand...

We heard the buzzing suddenly get extremely loud and we all looked to the doors to the gym. A loud bang emitted from the metal barricades. Over and over something hit the doors like it was trying to get to us. People were screaming and scrambling for the doors that let outside to the field. As most of us got past the half-way mark on the basketball court, the doors busted open with a half decayed man holding a hacksaw. People began screaming more and trampling over each other as they rushed outside.

His face was partially rotten and his jaw hung low... like Sasuke, however, he was horrifically burned. He stood about six foot tall with chin-length blackish brown hair, and black eyes long-ago vacant of life. A part of me believe this demented corpse was Sasuke's father Fugaku. But I and the others were not about to stick around to find out. Tsunade and Kakashi stood by the doors to the field to let students out easier. Many instantly took the gesture to good use and rushed out to the field where things seemed a little more normal. I was the last to leave, I don't know what convinced me to do so... but I had locked eyes with the being I believed was Mr. Uchiha. He was stammering towards the door with the hungry hacksaw. But I momentarily started to think I was the only one he wasn't going to kill. Like I was some grand finale or something else.

I only really snapped back when Kakashi grabbed my shoulder and threw me onto the gravel where he and Tsunade locked the door and rushed toward the other students. I quickly got up and raced back toward Shikamaru and them.

"Man~! I don't wanna die!" Choji whined to Shikamaru. Shikamaru just glanced over at him before acknowledging my return to the group.

"So, how did you kill Sasuke?" Shikamaru asked.

"As I said to everyone else; Sakura threw a bottle of liqour we found at Sasuke;s and I shot at the floor infront of him. It ignited and he and the house burned to the ground." I growled; the more I recalled it the more I hated myself. But, lately it seemed as though this cycle wouldn't end until I and/or Sakura were dead.

"So... we have to burn Sakura?" Kiba asked seemingly disgusted with the idea.

"Kind of like the Salem witch trials..." Gaara said to irk Kiba; said dog-boy turned a glare to Gaara.

"Really? This is not the time you two. There has to be a way past this without killing anyone or having anyone die or get injured." Shikamaru crossed his arms and squinted his eyes; trying to think on the recent events. "You are certain Sasuke died?"

"The blood in the classroom." I replied. "We walked in and everything was fine, the lights flickered and there was blood everywhere."

Shikamaru nodded, like he forgot that and took it back into consideration. "Saying Sasuke really is an angry apparition... that limits anything I can really think of. I never thought something like this was even possible." He groaned as his brow crinkled. "I am going to need time, but with that said... we need to remain vigilant and keep safe." He opened his cell phone, then clicked his tongue. "Guys... check your phones."

I grabbed mine and flipped the dinosaur device open; no service.

"Shit, I got nothing." Kiba growled.

"How are we gonna call the police?" Choji panicked.

"Simple, we can't." Gaara said as he calmly shrugged and tucked his phone away.

Temari looked to her phone still, anger distorting her face. "You know no human can just suddenly cause a mass effect similar to that of an EMP up and out of no where; Shik. Accept the fact this has no human behind it aside from the ones who killed Sasuke..." She paused as she accusingly glared at me. "And let's fulfill his desire and kill that pink-haired bitch."

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