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It's Valentines day and my school insists on doing the whole swap cards and be all mushy mushy stuff. We're in 8th grade not second... Bluck. I hate almost everyone in this school. If you don't wear a jersey or have school spirit you're a nobody. After lunch is over we all report to our home rooms to swap cards. We went around the class putting our cards in the bags we decorated. After we sat back down and dumped all the candy and crap out. I went through all of them, it was all the same mediocre valentine cards. But there's one that caught my eye. It was black and it had my name on it "Adam". I've always been a scaredy cat. I don't do haunted houses, scary movies, or stories. But the anxious side got a hold of me. So I opened it. It read "from your secret admirer. I've liked you for a while now. Meet me in the hallway by the old locker room". So after school I walked to the old hallway. After minutes and minutes if waiting, I heard someone coming. It was Xavier Hemmings the school jock. He turns around and pushes me mumbling something that sounded like "look in the white car". But I wasn't listening and who cares what he says. Finally the door by the locker room opened and some stranger walked out before I could say anything I was knocked across the head and everything went black.

Chapter 2

I finally started coming to the point where I could see things clearly. A million questions started running through my mind. But first I had to get out of wherever I am. I started looking around my surroundings, there wasn't very much to look at though, because I was in a trunk. Being taken to who knows where. I mean of all places I could be I'm in a trunk being taken by a kidnapper, that's so predictable. Oooooh, what's next? Is he going to torture me like in EVERY other horror movie? I need to stop being sarcastic and figure out my plan to escape. The truck stopped and I heard a door slam. I clinched my teeth waiting for trunk to open. Nothing happened. We sat there for a couple of seconds then I heard two men talking. It was just mumbles till I heard the word "kill". In that moment I couldn't feel. It felt like a ton of bricks were sitting on my chest and I sat there gasping for air. I was going into shock or having a breakdown. I just cried, I mean what else could I do in a moment like this. I pulled myself together and about 5 minutes of their annoying talking, the truck took off again. Big loud screeching gates opened up and we slowly pulled through. I sat there in darkness until I heard footsteps coming my way. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. The heavy trunk door flew up and all I could see was two masked strangers. They quickly ripped me out of the car and dragged me to a huge garage and threw me down the stairs. Silence and fear were then my best friends. In that moment I knew. I was going to die.

Chapter 3

What was going to happen to me? I calmly remembered that I still had my small knife and phone in my back pocket. I mean what kind of person kidnaps someone and doesn't take everything out of their pockets. But hey, you don't see my complaining. I cut through the ropes and pulled out my phone. "No service". Naturally. I don't have time to pout. I have to move fast and try to get out. I looked everywhere for a light switch. Finally, I flipped it on and a small buzzing occurred then a dim light lit up the room. There were papers attached to the walls. They all said the same thing "we've been watching you" I started to walk along the wall and then I found a picture of me when I was first born. Then I found more from when I was 3 and 12 and 8 years old. I found pictures of myself from about every age. But I found a note on the back. It said "look closer". I started noticing something in every picture. A person that I didn't know. He was there under the couch, peeking around a tree, he was in every picture but he blend in and my family and I never noticed. My knees got weak and I collapsed. This monster has been stalking me my whole life. What a sick person. He finally has what he wants. So what's next!? I heard steps above me and the door above the stairs opened and the stranger made his way down the stairs. He didn't say anything he just sit there and smiled through his mask.

Chapter 4

This mystery person was really starting to freak me out. All he could do was smile and chuckle. I started to back up as he started to walk towards me. I walked back all the way up to the wall. I quickly tried to get away but he grabbed me and slammed me back up against the wall.

I darted back at him and loudly screamed "what do you want from me!?"

He explained "20 years ago me and my wife were having problems between us two. We had one child and a child on the way. After our problems started to happen my wife was done with the arguing. So she left."

"Well how this is my fault?" I hissed back.

He replied "Funny story really. After my wife left she went to a real estate business to buy a new house and to try to start her new life. The business was called "Lemmings real estate" OH. That's your parents business isn't it? Oh joy. Your parents declined her and told her that she couldn't afford any of the houses on their market. So my wife had to sleep on the streets because she refused to come back with me and she couldn't afford a house. That night the temperatures dropped low. Too low. The next morning my 3 angels were found dead on the street and it was your parents fault for not helping her. If my family has to die. Then so does yours."

The lights get brighter and I see my parents in the corner all tied up and gagged. He unties them and they come and hug me. They kiss me on my forehead and they tell me they love me. Before I could say it back two gunshots go off and my parents lay dead in my arms. I feel their blood running down my shoulders. The lights shut off and I sit in darkness for a few moments. I then heard what sounded like a endless whisper say: "you're next". I fell into unconsciousness.

Chapter 5

I woke up and I had blood all over me. I started to gag but nothing would come up. I haven't ate in two or three days and my body needed something. The scar part was, I was trapped in some hell hole and no one was looking for me. My friends probably thought I was sick and skipping school and my parents were dead. I heard walking upstairs. The door opened and the masked man came down. This was it. He wants to play this way then I can play too. I hid behind the stairs and ripped a pipe off of a water heater. When he came down I took a big step back and whacked him right in the back of the head. I took the pipe and shoved it right into his leg and twisted hard. i sprinted up the stairs running as fast as I could. I felt invincible thanks to my adrenaline rushing. I got to a parking garage and I could see that car that I got here in. Suddenly another person from behind me spun me around and said "this is the one and only chance you have to get out. Here are the rules. You must pick 1 car out of these 100. Every car has a poisonous creature, poisonous gas or self destruction, except one. You have 30 seconds. You're time begins now." At this point I gave up. I sat there for 20 seconds just trying to catch my breath. Either way I had a chance of dying. But suddenly I remembered something that Xavier said. The day he knocked into me he said "look in the white car". I looked around and finally found the only white car and I got in. I looked out the window at the masked figure and he took off his mask and waved. It was Xavier.

Why was he helping me? I looked out the windows waiting for the other cars to explode but they laid still. The white car I was in, started to shake and it caught fire. I tried to get out but the doors were locked.

I was laying in my hospital bed. Limp and still. I waited there trying to wake up. But I couldn't. None of this was in my power. I couldn't wake up. I couldn't wake up. Because I was dead.

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