This is not my bedroom

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Thomas's Pov

I slowly come back to consciousness and immediately feel warmer. I look around slowly examining every detail of the room I am in. 'this is not my bedroom' I thought. the room was very dark and gloomy but almost felt cosy, the only light that was visible was a candle which was sitting on a oak wood table. In the centre of the room against the wall there was a fire place which had brand new wood huddled inside which looked like it hadn't been used yet. in the corner there was a dark oak door which looked like It belonged in another era. lastly there was a cracked mirror with moss on the top corners of it resting on a wall.

I get up and tip-toe to the mirror and look at myself expecting the worse, nothing changed, still in my school uniform but with a police badge on my left side. suddenly the door knob twisted and the old door slowly crept open, I panicked so I just froze like ice. light came out of the open door and so did a figure.

"Oh s-sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that Officer" obviously knowing about fear in my eyes. I was bewildered not because the figure called me "Officer" but the fact that the figure wasn't human like. the silhouette's arm started to move and a click of a switch was heard and lights came on but were flickering every so often. I looked at the being and had no words. Standing in front of the young boy was a black creature with pointy ears sticking out the top of it's head and whiskers sprouting from it's face. A panther.

"ummm oh yeah sorry l-let me introduce myself I'm Kara May" she announces as she sticks out her clawed paw towards you "W-what's yours? I stand there still mind- blown but I didn't want to make this conversation even more awkward than It already was so I slowly take my hand out and grab her paw and lightly shake it and say "Officer Thomas Bright". 

"P-pleasure to meet you Officer Bright."

"I'm sorry but umm where am I?"

"Well Sir your in my parents house."

" where are your parents?"

"at work."

I noticed that the entire time that conversation was going on the Panther or 'Kara' was twiddling with her thumbs. "shall we sit down?" I say to try and calm her down a bit "and could I ask you some questions if you don't mind." I say as we both sit down on a wooden couch/sofa (whatever these bloody things are called)

"S-sure thing!!" She said way to enthusiastically.

"Ok well back to the question where am I, where actually am I." I look out the window and see trees as far as the eye can see.

"Officer your in the Rainforest District!! the best place to be in , in my opinion."

"Where is the Rainforest District?" I say still a bit shocked I'm talking to a panther.

"oh right... that fall must've really affected you"

"hehe yeah... WAIT... FALL!? I shout clearly distressed by the information.

"Yes Officer I saw you fall from a very steep height and land in a river so I came and rescued you" Kara says as she blushes like a tomato.

"Well thank you so much Kara but you still haven't answered my question"

" oh yeah,you are in Zootopia"


Le Gasp!! He is not a member of the constabulary!! Another Le Gasp he's in Zootopia!? ANOTHER Le Gasp He's talking to a Panther!?...... madness 

Find out what happens next in the next chapter of Another World!!!!

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