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A tab opened for a Level 6 ghost...


*/ third person view\*

" VALERIE", a smol bean half-ghost child tackled the older girl with the force of a million Sea Turtles. 

" Oof, Girl chill", Valerie hugged Dani her heart fluttering with guilt. She smelled the foul stench of ectoplasm, mixed with the copper tang of blood. Her rage boiled and coiled at the audacity of a creature who could hurt a child as precious as this.

Dani patted her back with a green blushed face, " Val I-- still need to breathe."

"Oh whoops!" Valerie reluctantly let go of the young Halfa. The Red Huntress' Hood retracting so her bright olive eyes shining with barely unretained emotion. The bright lime green gazed into each other sharing unspoken words and actions.

Alas, the thoughtful and heartfelt moment was ruined by a crash. Their heads swerved to the perpetrator, Daniel.

He flew into a tree. Yes, a tree, the physics-defying hero who could dodge the incoming blast of ectoplasm from skilled opponents at high speeds.

His face scrunched into a grimace, hair filled with green leaves, dead stick, stained with whatever was in the tree...

The girls burst out laughing and giggling at the misfortune of their now friend. Well, at least Valerie thought she could call a friend.

"W-wow who knew the infamous Danny Phantom, the self-proclaimed hero of Amity Park is a dork", the now composed young halfa reached out a hand for her original. A smug smiled etched in her sun-kissed face, her luminescent eyes twinkling in the cold air. " Oh wait, I did!"

" Ha Ha. Just remember who you got your genes from...", Danny mumbled rubbing his sore chest. 

" The better ones obviously.", Que sassy hair flip.

Valerie watched the two ghost bicker in a fashion only sibling could have. Getting lost in distressing thoughts.

" -wouldn't you agree Val?!", A flustered Phantom called, trying to gain a slight advantage.

Valerie crossed her arms and gave a sly smile, " I agree with whatever Dani with an I said.

" Hah! In your face!" 

" No fair-" A loud obnoxious ringing came from the area. 


" ow ow, sensitive ears" Phantom turned his hand intangible and stuck his hand into his thigh to bring out a... cell phone, "Just a sec guys."

He floated a bit away, bringing the device to his ear, " Yellow?"


" Ohhh hheey... J nice to talk to you", The echoed voice spoke in a faux tone"



" *CRASH*"

Yelling came from the phone, Danny's face was completely a neon flushed green. Once it came to a close he turned of his phone, not making eye contact with Val and Dani.

" Yea, conclusion, I gotta get home. See you guys later." with a rushed speed he flew off.

Val looked to the girl with a confused face and pushed her bushy hair back from her face.  

" So I guess you're coming with me?", Her eyes darting from tree to tree.

Danielle showed her shiny whites, and with a chipper voice," Yup!"

" Race ya' to Broken Tree branch alley!", Val hopped up and her high tech surfboard nyoomed from her feet.


A/N: So hi..sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I only looked through it once because I'm lazy. Also, it was short, but I'll try to make the next chap longer.

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