So today I readed a post about suicide, and I have a lot to say.
Firt of all this is real fucking life, we are not in 13 reasons why: if you die people will forget you at some point, yes it will be hard but they will.
Second; suicide is not a joke. We can't change peoples mind.
If you kill yourself no one is going to fell guilty, or that is their fault; no, that only happends in shows and movies.
If you are going to hurt yourself to dead...people will care, but they'll end up forgetting yo.
Your crush is not going to cry because he thinks is his faul
That mean girl won't go to therapy because she fells guilty
You will be remember by others
Your family, your friends....
Well i don't have any friends but killing myself isn't going to fell popular while I'm dead. Because I am just dead.
No more life
No more problems
Im not telling you to kill yourself, at all.
But people who don't know shit about this need to shut the fuck up now.
Important people will care
The ones who made you fell bad, are not going to cry your dead.
People who don't care will not care.
Just....if you want to hurt or kill yourself please think about the people arround you: not the ones who make you fell like nothing.
Mom will care
Dad will to...right?
My sister, she is way to young to understand....
My family, who supported me through almost everything
Your only friend
Or the people who used to be your friend; but guess what, they just want attention.
Fake cries saying how much you miss me
But when i was alive you hated me
Your dead will not give you the attention you need, it will make the ones who let you down loved by others because "she lost her friend".
Fake will never go away
But i can
And sometimes i just think is the only way out.
If you kill yourself for attemtion you will have 4 days of fame, and lets be real, you don't want to do it.
People actually go through this everyday, people with no one arround
Its now time to sleep
Just take your pills
And sleep