Help Me... chpt. 1

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The first day of the month of June . Where all the birds chirp, but poops on your window and car, black and yellow bees and wasps that people stay away from fly around and produce honey from plants. Takanori is sitting at the park lying on green grass. He makes a deep sigh and found a butterfly flying past his chest. He giggled as it landed on his nose. It then flew away. Takanori smiled and stood up and dusted his clothes off.

"It's almost sunset. I better get home.." Takanori said to himself. He grabbed his book bag from the ground and began walking down the street.

"Taka!! Taka-chan!!!" A girl called out to the short male.

"Hi Nana." He smiled at the girl who was standing by his side. She was a bit taller than Takanori and was his best friend since 8th grade.

"I heard that you fell in love with some dude at the police station. He is very young. Whats his name again?" Nana smiled and nudge Takanori's side gently.

"Ahh... don't mention it... he'll never fall for me." Takanori playfully pouted. Nana smiled at the shorter male and lied a hand in his puny shoulders.

"Don't say that. You're a beautiful male and he would definitely fall for you.." They continued walking. "And besides, did you see the way he looked at you? I definitely saw him glare at your ass... and then he looked you up and down. He's gonna fall for you."

Takanori smiled at his best friend's words. He kinda agreed. He did witness the way the guy looked at Taka. By the way, the guy that they are talking about, his name is Suzuki Akira. "I think I can agree with you." Suddenly, they saw that guy walking out of the police station with his bag. He was tall, had blonde and black hair, a couple earrings on his ears, and had on a white button down shirt with black pants. He happen to see Takanori and Nana walking that direction.

"Oh! Hey Nana. Hey Takanori!" Akira greeted with a smile. Takanori blushed and bit his lip.

"H-hi..." Takanori responded shyly.

"I have a question Akira. How old are you?" Nana asked and wrapped his arms around Takanori's shoulders.

"I'm 18. Just finished high school." Akira smiled. "Where are you two headed?"

"I'm going home. So is he. I live right across the street over there. He lives farther." Nana spoke. Takanori rolled his eyes and was still silent. "Well see you guys. Gotta go." Nana walked to her home and left Takanori and Akira alone.

"Soo..." Takanori broke the silence and didn't lay an eye at Akira.

"Want me to walk you home?" Akira asked. Takanori shrugged and smiled. Akira wrapped his arms around Takanori's shoulder and walked down the street. "So, what are you planning to do in the future?"

"I want to be a Japanese rocker. As the vocalist. I have really good vocals. My professional music teacher says I do. And I sing on my free time during class. Well, hum..." Takanori smirked.

"Ahh... let's become best friends. We can hang out and I can tell you about my job at the police station. Wait.. how about tomorrow? I can show you around the station." Akira smiled and ruffled Takanori's hair.

"Sure!" Takanori was indeed happy and excited. He wants this day to come fast. "What time?"

"Ehh... let's say about...12:00pm." Akira said while checking in the time on his phone.

"Okay. That's cool! Oh! my house is right there. Let me get going. Thank you so much!" Takanori hugged the taller male. Akira hugged back and smirked. As Takanori walked away to his house, Akira bit his lips and smiled. He then licked his lips and walked away.

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