Chapter 15: A Spell Unlike Any Other

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Reader's Point Of View

Your vision was blurry and your hearing was muffled as you began to regain consciousness. Your arms were strung up above you, holding you above the ground; just high enough so that the pads of your feet could touch the ground.

Slowly, your vision became clearer and you began to take in your surroundings, noticing that Dean wasn't in the room.

You were still in the school building. It looked like you were in the library. The lights weren't all on, only a few. Bookcases and shelves lined the walls. You were tied up in the center near the study tables.

Back in your high school, in the world you came from, the library was the place you went to feel safe. You would tuck away in a corner and hide from the world behind the walls of books. You watched Supernatural on your phone, did your homework, wrote, drew, read there. You did everything you needed to during the day there. Sometimes you would skip class and just hideout there. It was a quiet space for you to try and calm yourself while you were stranded in the deserted wasteland that high school is. But being in the library now, this library, it didn't give you comfort. It did the exact opposite. It made your insides turn.

You noticed books that looked far too old to be in a school, were sprawled out on one of the tables. You couldn't read what was inside, but you could see the symbols well enough to know that they were magic. Spell books, grimoires full of curses and hexes.

"Fuck." You cussed under your breath.

You turned your head as you heard a door open on the far side of the room.

The shadowy figure approached. Stepping into the light revealing it to be Dean.

"Morning sunshine." He said with a malevolent smile.

He didn't look good. Obviously not himself. Something had changed. More than just his red irises... There were strange markings coming from his hands stretching across his forearm to his bicep. It looked like a combination of djinn tattoos and spider veins, but it was all blood red. Every now and again, little orange beams would shine through it moving their way up his body.

"What has he done to you?" You gasped. It horrified you to see him like this. It was your fault he was like this. He sacrificed himself to save you.

Dean didn't say a word, he just walked closer towards you.

He went to hit but Liam walked in and said, "Not yet, Dean."

Dean immediately stopped.

"What did you do to him?!" You yelled at Liam, mad beyond belief.

"I'm helping him, like I could've helped you if you had stuck to plan." He gave a little annoyed look.

You spit on him. "You're not helping anyone. You selfish, egotistical bastard."

"Actually, Dean. I take it back. Go ahead." Liam said and on cue Dean came up to me and pulled out his knife, but as he did you could see his arm somewhat resisting the motion. But then more of the red markings appeared on him and seared into his skin. His eyes lit up brighter and then his arm moved forward all the way, pulling the knife to you.

What was that?

"Not too big. We want her to last a little while." Liam said and Dean made a small but deep cut on your face.

"Ah." You said as you felt the blood start to fall down your cheek.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," Liam began speaking but that didn't stop Dean from continually cutting me. "I'm helping Dean. He needed some guidance after being so reckless with his decision to give himself up for you, of all people. I mean, look at you. You're nothing." Cut. Wince. "So at first I was going to use you to get my revenge on him because I never imagined he would actually fall for you, but this is much better." Cut. Wince. "He killed my love, and now I'm going to make him kill his own." Cut. Wince.

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