Chapter 1: Is This A Dream?

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Word Count: 1.2K

Your Point Of View

You woke up in a bed that was not your own, your head pounding. You groaned as you sat up and realized that you had no idea where you were.

"Hello? Can someone tell me what's going on? Hello?" You called out as you made your way out the bedroom door.

This place looked so familiar to you, but you couldn't put your finger on it. As you went through the hallways you noticed a symbol on all the doors. It was the Men of Letters crest from Supernatural.

"That's weird." You whispered to yourself.

Realizing that you were in the bunker, and believing that this was a dream, you ran to the library, knowing that that's where Sam and Dean do most of their research and spend most of their time.

When you turned the corner, through the entrance to the library, you noticed two men sitting at one of the tables. It was Sam and Dean Winchester. You'd know their faces anywhere. You had a poster of them hanging on your bedroom wall back home.

"Hello?" You called again, this time getting their attention.

"Oh, hey." Sam said as he got up and started to make his way to you. "My name's-"

"Sam. And that's Dean." You interrupted.

"Uh, yeah. How'd you... Nevermind. So what's your name?"

"Y/N." You said as you began to make your way over to the table where Dean was, as Sam followed.

"Well, Y/N, my brother and I found you unconscious in a vampire's nest in Ohio." Sam explained.

"Vampire nest? Yeah, sounds about right." You said, believing that this was obviously a very vivid dream of some sort.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dean interjected.

"Well I mean... I'm not too worried. This isn't real. I'm just dreaming back in my bed at home."

"No you're not. This is real." Sam stated.

"No it's not, Sam. If it were real, I would never have the guts to do this." You leaned over and kissed Dean on the lips.

"Oh... um... okay." Dean said, with a little smile on his face.

"See? Obviously a dream." You said with a grin on your face.

"Y/N, this isn't a dream. I can promise you that." Sam declared.

"Okay, listen, I get it. I fell asleep watching Supernatural on my laptop and now it's influencing my dreams. This wouldn't be the first time." You said with a little laugh.

"Watching what?" Dean asked, with a very confused look on his face.

"Y/N, how can I get you to believe me that this isn't a dream?"

"Do one of you have a blade handy?" You asked looking at the two.

Dean pulled a small dagger from his pant leg and handed it to you.

"If this is a dream, then this will just wake me up. If it isn't a dream then this is just gonna hurt a lot." You then made a very deep slice into the palm of your left hand. You winced at the pain and looked around. Your eyes widened and your mind running a million miles an hour. "Holy fuck this isn't a dream. This- This- This is real. You guys are real? Holy shit!" You exclaimed as you then doubled over and began to take in deep breaths to calm yourself down.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked as he came over to you and placed his hand on your back.

You stood up and put your hand on his chest, while your other hand covered your mouth. "Oh. My. God. This is real. Holy fucking shit."

"Yes we have officially established that this is reality. Why are you freaking out?" Dean asked.

"I'm freaking out because you guys aren't supposed to be real. You're from Supernatural, a TV show that I love."

"You're joking, right?" Dean said as he sat you down next to him.

"No. I'm not. Here, I can prove it. Okay, so you acknowledge that we haven't officially met each other until today, correct?"

"Yeah..." Sam answered hesitantly.

"And judging by the marks I noticed on my arm earlier, you two obviously tested me?"

"Yeah..." Dean answered.

"Okay well, let's see how much I remember... When Sam was six months old a yellow eyed demon named Azazel came into his nursery, fed him demon blood and killed your mother. Sam started to notice that he had psychic powers after you, Dean, picked him up from Stanford to go look for your father and after Jess died. John Winchester, your father, sold his soul for Dean. Dean made a deal with a demon to bring Sam back from the dead, after he had been stabbed, but the demon ripped you off and only gave you one year. You died and went to Hell for 4 months, well technically 40 years, where you tortured souls, and you felt really bad about it. You also slept with Anna, and Sam slept with Ruby. Sam was drinking demon blood from Ruby, behind Dean's back. Ruby tricked Sam into killing Lilith which freed Lucifer from Hell. Sam said 'yes' to Lucifer and jumped into the pit while being possessed by him. Dean went to go live with Lisa and Ben for a year while Sam was back, unbeknownst to Dean, and was hunting with Samuel while being without a soul. After Sam got his soul back from Death, Castiel broke the wall inside his head when he started to go power crazy, so Sam started seeing Lucifer everywhere. I like to call him Halucifer, but that's not important right now. Anyway, then Cas accidentally released the Leviathans into the world, but they were stopped when Dean killed Dick Roman. Dean went to Purgatory for a year and became allies with a vampire named Benny, and Sam hit a dog. You tried to seal the gates of Hell, but the angels ended up falling instead. Dean took on the Mark of Cain, which made him go a little murder crazy. Then Metatron killed you, sorry Dean, and you became a demon. Sam cured you of being a demon but you still had the mark. Rowena performed a spell that removed the mark but released the Darkness. Then you two found out that Chuck was God, which I called like forever ago. God and the Darkness went off together and haven't been seen since. Amara gave you your mom, Mary Winchester back. Who joined the British Men of Letters and worked with Ketch." You stopped to take a deep breath and then continued. "I could keep going but I need some water." You said as you laughed.

"Holy shit!" Dean exclaimed.

"How... How do you know all that?" Sam questioned.

"What can I say, I'm a big fan of the show." You replied with a smile on your face.

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