The Call

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The nightmares had been getting worse for weeks. Hordes of darkspawn dressed in gore splattered armor stood before their draconic leader, brandishing blood slicked weapons as they begged for Grey Warden blood at the great dragons feet. Haunting music floated over the demonic beasts hissing and growling, calling to her as if she was one of them, making her long for the day when the taint claimed her blood and she could revel with her brethren as they slayed all in their path. When she woke up, entirely human, shaking and drenched in sweat, she swore she could still hear its call. Even though the Blight was over and the Archdemon had been slain the taint refused to release its grip on her and even after thirty years the blood stained battlefield of their final battle was ingrained in her mind.This time though the call was stronger, the music's seductive chords and the darkspawns roaring battle cries still ringing in her ears as she jolted awake, though unlike the prior weeks, she was not alone in her terror. Alistair was hunched over his side of the bed, head between his knees, panting heavily as he struggled for breath. He stiffened as her hand touched his shoulder, head whipping towards her, eyes glazed with fear. Her hand stayed on his shoulder as his breathing calmed and the frozen look in his eyes dissipated until he was back to being Alistair, her Alistair, a charming smile flitting across his expression as he reached out and caressed her face, no matter the fact that his hand trembled as it did. His voice was soft when he finally spoke, eyes sad as he said what they had both realised when they had awoken.

"It's time isn't it?"

She didn't dare say the words, instead giving a sharp nod of her head before looking away, the knowledge of what was to come filling her with dread. Alistair as usual knew exatly what thoughts were racing through her mind, gently tilted her head towards him so she was looking him in his eyes.

"I'd hoped we'd have more time. But hey, it hasn't been that bad has it? Not many wardens can say they've killed an Arch demon, not to mention getting a handsome husband,"

He paused as she gave out a short laugh, grinning as his rambling began to work.

"I mean how do you deal with it? All those women constantly drooling over me, you must be going ma-"

Alistair halted midword. Though his love was still smiling tears ran down her face.

"Hey... Don't cry. I was only joking, everyone knows I got lucky, you're way out of my league. But honey, it's going to be fine. We're going down fighting...unless you want too..."

He didn't finish his sentence. They both knew that the taint wouldn't just kill them; it would turn them into one of the darkspawn, another member of the great horde who's only desire was to kill all sentient beings in Thedas. No, that was not what she wanted. She wanted to die like they were meant to, fighting in the deep roads taking as many of the darkspawn with them. She wanted, if it had to happen, to die by Alistair's side, fighting together like the good old days where they'd been nothing but an orphaned noble and an ex-templar bastard. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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