Chapter 2

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Leo's pov

It's cold it's dark. I can hear the screaming upstairs, do I care? Of course I do but I understand what's about to happen and there is nothing I can do about it so I wait... I wait longer and longer for what feels like hours should I go up? The screaming stopped that's a good thing right ? They won't be dead, when I come out they won't be dead they can't be they are to strong to die at the hands of him. I push up the floor board and see her beautiful face my mother's face staring at me smiling, I wish I was smiling I guess I'm not good around blood, I stare before turning my head gagging I hate the smell, the foul smell of burnt blood I hate it it's disgusting it's like the body has already started rotting away into nothing at all. "Cry little boy" a voice whispers in the back of my head "cry no ones here to look after you now so loose all your emotions now so you don't waste them on anyone else, it's not worth" I feel the voice on my neck though it's not there I know it's not there it's my soul even my soul knows there's no hope left for me nothing to live for, hope what's that? I wasn't born with hope even my family knew that but I felt hope just then it confused me it made me sad when the only hope I had was crushed into a million pieces. 

I climbed out of the floor avoiding the stares the blood covered body's gave me, I'm not sad.. I'm heartbroken whys this world so unfair I ask myself over and over again why do the strong crush the weak? I walk outside and sit down behind my house, and I cried like there was no tomorrow "h-haha hah its s-stupid this worlds stupid...." I tugged at my sleeves as I bit my bottom lip bruising the pink flesh. I guess I can't change it it's happened and I can't change the past no one can so I stand up and smile I'll have to rely on myself now no one else.


One year later 

"Happy birthday to me~" he smiled strolling around town Leo was turning seventeen today hopefully this birthday would be better than last years, if you wondered what Leo did now, he seduced men and got them to buy him a meal and a place to sleep for the night, sure it was probably the worst idea that he had ever had but honestly he didn't have a choice the boy wasn't one to beg so the brunette took his chances in bars his favourite place was the pigs inn, a bunch of rich toffs went there to grab a drink with their mates to it was a perfect place to grab a bit of cash. 

Leo was busy sitting on a gentleman's lap, well he was the last thing from a gentleman he was a fat pig a massive perv but the boy just smiled laughing at his comments even though they were the last thing from funny a lot of his jokes were suggestive which the brunette giggled off "so what you want eat?" The pig asked  "oh no I shouldn't waste your money that would be rude of me~" the man smirked "well you can repay me later" The brunette giggled it off he knew exactly what he meant "if you don't mind I would like a gremolta" he said smiling 'get me some food you f*cking perv' he thought the man was truely disgusting 

Later after he ate he smiled at the man and stood up "thank you for the food sir~" he said with a smile as he walked off a smirk on his face 'idiot' he snickered, the man glared at the boy "oi little rat get back here!" He belowed loudly as he threw his beer to the floor in anger, everyone turned and watched what was happening no one dared to interfere or call for help the man walked over to the boy fire in his eyes the small boy started running usually he left fast enough to not get caught in any mess but he was to slow today, he kept running until he was cornered is this how he was going to be killed by a fat man he didn't get the sex he wanted? The man raised his arm and swung at Leo he braced for impact but it never came. He looked up and there stood a frog. In front of him was the guy stopping him from being hit but he only took interest in the green blob which hopped around.

"Hey are you ok?" The man asked holding out a hand for Leo, leo sighed and stood up he wasn't associating with the royals again never again he slapped his hand and walked of the older male looked shocked "Hey that's no way to treat your King!" He bellowed standing up following after Leo, "what you going to do about it?" He honestly cared if he got killed he was scared sh*tless however he couldn't show emotion towards a monster or else it would sink in and kill you without hesitation he learnt that the hardest way. The King stared at him "is this how you treat people after they save you!" He asked "no, at least not until they kill my family" he said he was sad but refused to act it he had to be strong not just for him but for others as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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