Chapter 2

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What feels like three hours later, a bus drives in to the pick up zone. I get out five bucks and place it in the machine. I collect my pass, look at the druggo driving the bus and with a disgusted feeling I take a seat.

Literally two minutes later, the driver stops at the next stop. An old man gets on followed by..


Who is that?

Glistening brighter than the sun but yet so soft was the figure who stood in front of me. Bronze skin, brown hair and those eyes

My heart was beating, if so was the feeling that it would leap from my chest.

Then I saw her, the perfect girl. Walking next to him.

I sighed and sat back against my seat as I knew I had no chance with him.

They walked hand in hand to the back of the bus. He sat and she on his lap. She, seeing my jealousy began to unbutton his white shirt, I saw his muscles ripple underneath. I was in awe, the way his muscles moved under her touch. I wished that I was the one making his muscles move.

She then pulled him in for a kiss. At the last second she pulled back, he smiled at her. She then nuzzled against him and fell asleep. The rest of the way he kept looking at me. It was like I was a mouse and he was a cat. Eyeing her next meal.

He kept looking at me.

He threw me a wink

The girl caught it. She looked at me. She stood and slapped him. Why the fuck would you slap someone like him. What a spoilt- i was interrupted by her

"Hope your happy. He's all yours. ALL FUCKING YOURS"

She walked off the bus. I looked at the boy. His red cheek mixed in with his blushing

He was adorable. I don't know what I did wrong.

I got off the bus to cease anymore trouble. As I was getting off he called to me.

"Hey, hey!"

I ran and he he never followed. He stood watching me with a smile.

It was hard to run but it had to be.

He's not mine and he never will be.

By the time I returned to my home I heard even more yelling. I opened the door and proclaimed

"Hey losers"

"Shut the fuck up Imogen before I smash ya inta next week" my foster father Bob said

I could tell from his choice of words that he was entirely intoxicated again.

I huffed and walked to my room. By this time it was sixish so I just hopped into my tulip print sofa bed and called it a night.

"Imi, Imi" a soft voice sounded, a mans voice

"What, huh?"

"Its me"

I opened my eyes to see the boy from the bus. He was dressed in a white shirt and black dress slacks. He blinked rather seductively at me and his gaze ran up and down my body.

He pulled me in and I stared into his eyes, his glorious eyes and I pulled in to kiss him. His soft lips caressed mine.

God he was a good kisser

I raked my hands through his hair, the soft brown waves which coated his head.

Just when I was about to lose all self control, my fantasy was erupted with a heavy knocking. The boys image floated away and I was returned to reality with the fuckwitz Bob knocking at my door.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Get dressed all spunky, we gotta go the town centre so we can get our dough for lookin' after you"


"If your not ready in ten minutes, your fucked"

Oh nice.

Ten minutes later I was ready to go in black jeans and a navy hoodie. I went down the kitchen to find food when I saw some stale bread. It was better than nothing so I'll eat it.

I grabbed one piece and stuffed it down my throat. This is what I'd come to. Living in a house with two idiots. Both bigger than each other.

I walked into what should be a lounge but is a pile of plastic maccas, KFC and other crap packagings. I sat in the corner and waited till Bob came.

When they came, I got up and we took the bus. My foster fucker didn't pay but the good citizen I was, I payed for my ticket.

I sat up the back and he sat up the front. The bus began driving.

We came to the next stop and I don't believe it......

Its him

In the whole angelic flesh.

I imagined his bronzed skin and rippling muscles passing over mine rocking back and forth.

I am awoken from my fantasy with that gorgeous smile just in front of mine.

"Hey, you awake?"

"Um,yeah" yeah I'm perfectly awake, come sit with me.....

He sat down and flicked his hair to the side effortlessly.

He smiled at me.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"I.. Imogen, yours?"

"The names Dallas, Cameron Dallas"

He flashed me an effortlessly beautiful smile and his eyes glistened like shimmering diamonds yet subtle like earthy brown.

"What are you doing here Imogen?"

"I'm going with my foster parents so they get their pay for looking after me. That is they treat me like shit and get payed for it"

" unlucky, Imi"

I smiled at the new version of my name he gave me and he smiled back. He began to pull in for the kiss.

Already? That was quick! I leaned in as well when-

"Oy! Dick, get off her" my foster father proclaimed

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed and then returned to where me and Cameron were. Seeing my desperation he cupped my cheeks in his strong masculine hands. He planted a soft kiss on my cheek.

"This is my stop. Goodbye Imi"

"Goodbye Cameron"

And he was gone.

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