6: The Many and The Few

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.^^ the Gift Staff ^^

— Cassidy —

Sariel was true to his word, leading us to a small warehouse in the south-eastern spiral, where apparently his family held the deeds to quite a few different properties, and this particular place was his. He explained it as where he had originally begun his 'Experimenting'.

Tommy seemed interested, and we entered to find what I would only label as a mad magicians laboratory, instead of a mad scientists, and one made by a child's mind, at that. Several magical lightning crystals bounced sparks between them like Tesla coils, and a set of vials had dissolved, taking most of one of the tables with them.

Kyrew frowned at him. "You were playing with acids even before we left for the Floating City?!?"

He grinned shamelessly. "Anyway! Welcome to my old Lab! The one I have in the ClockTower is way better, so you can use this place for whatever you want."

I nodded, and placed the silver disk on the wall, then simply twisted it until it clicked, and a door appeared. The silver disk sank into the door, and I nodded. "Perfect! Now for some protection... Tommy, you got anything to make this room secure?" I asked.

She shrugged, flipping through her grimoire. "Gimme a mo... I've got Sanctuary, but it takes a full year of casting to take effect. Hmph." She shook her head.

"Can we Fabricate some Traps?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well... I don't see why not. Sure." She nodded, and began fixing up the entryways, while I replaced the windows with triple-paned bulletproof glass, then the flooring with acid-resistant titanium plates, shaped to look like wooden slats, then covered the floor with iron sand with mithril mixed in, which I enchanted, bucket by bucket, to absorb malignant magic inside the building. It was limited, but within its limitations, it was powerful.

I looked to see what Tommy had done, and raised an eyebrow at the intricate vault door she'd placed in front of the entrance, and was currently coating the walls with inch-thick titanium slabs.

I laughed softly. "I said secure, not Fortify! Damn, sis!"

She grinned, finishing the walls stubbornly, then sat down suddenly. "Whoo! That's a draining task, huh?

I chuckled and finished the floor over the next few minutes. As I finished, the little golden dragon crawled out of my bag, and sat on my shoulder, yawning loudly.

"Hey buddy, have a good nap?" I smiled, and tickled his chin gently.

He purred, and then perked up, staring at Saint, the silly wolf pup that was currently growling at his reflection in the titanium like a little doofus. He pounced off my shoulder, his stubby little wings growing to the right size to carry him, to my surprise, then landed on the wolf's shoulders.

The wolf sat up, and looked over his shoulders at the dragon, cocking his skull. His one damaged ear flopped adorably, and the dragon nodded, curling up on his shoulders and purring. Saint licked the little dragon curiously, then began trotting around, smelling the room, and completely ignoring the sleeping dragon on his shoulders.

I laughed softly. "That's adorable."

"Indeed. Well! If that's all, I'd like to visit my family, and then meet back with Lady Skøll to secure passage home." Lady Kyrew sighed.

"You don't need to. I can open the doors for you on your way out. I have a key." Tommy nodded.

"You have fun with that. I'm heading back to meet the rest of Sandy's family." I waved, and left them on their own, working my way back towards the Estate.

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