27: Mercuriality

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.^^ the Sphere Of Mercuriality ^^

— Tommy —

The process to become Royalty was entirely convoluted and ridiculously full of paperwork, but it took about a day, with papa, gramma Hilde, Elder Rashan, and Kaza to assist me. Mama took one look at the stacks of paperwork on my desk, and then went to find Caz, which was amusing.

Kaza reached a piece of paperwork. "Alright, this requires your input, do you want this city to be the new Capital?"

"No, no, it's just a College and some big neighborhoods, it's not meant to be a Capital. This place is dedicated to the Preservation and Breeding of rare species from all the Planes, both Flora and Fauna. Jerel remains the Seat of Power." I answered, and finished the page about tax reductions for the upper class, completely overriding that one and replacing it with a uniform tax, per Silver earned.

Aylin, (who had appeared at some point with her daughter, looking for Sariel, then had been commanded to assist by Haylon,) looked up. "Can you grow medicinal herbs as well?"

"Are they in danger of extinction?" I asked calmly, passing the finished page to Kaza.

"Well, not immediately, but they are worth a lot, and they usually grow near dragon lairs, so they're dangerous to gather. They're like catnip for dragons." She hummed.

"Then they'll probably be grown in the crops of the center, and we'll put a decent amount of the dragon's waste there as fertilizer." I nodded.

Kaza hummed, looking at what I'd just handed her. "You're sure you want to screw with taxes? On your first day?" She asked cautiously.

"I didn't, I just evened it out. It makes no sense for the people who have the most money to pay less taxes. If those people paid more, or even just their fair share, taxes for everyone could go down a bit, or the coffers of the nation would swell, and national interests that require tax money would become more affordable." I explained easily.

Gramma Hilde nodded. "I've been trying to make the Empire see reason on that issue for decades. Taxes are good for the economy, and when one group doesn't pay their share, it hurts everyone. Also hoarded wealth doesn't assist anyone. Not even the person hoarding it. I like the nepotism of this society, and the business laws are comfortable, because I've helped build them around a banking economy, but the stupid people still believe that having a big vault full of money makes them more important than everyone else." She grumbled.

"Says the person providing the Vault." Haylon commented calmly, and most of us chuckled.

Hilde grinned casually. "Hey, I didn't say it didn't make me rich, I only said that it wasn't a good economic strategy. All my money is in Real-Estate."

I chuckled, and looked at the next page. "Mm, speak of the devil... land Barons are an issue?" I looked at Kaza.

She nodded. "Essentially. They get power-mad, and believe that the land they own is their own little territory, and they make themselves into Tyrant's of their little parcels of land. It's stupid and egotistical, and it's nothing but a waste of the nation's resources, every time we have to send troops to break down their little walls and gates and rescue the people inside."

"Well, that simply won't do. I'm implementing a constitutional monarchy, and a democratic lower level of governance. Gramma Hilde, I'll trust you with the constitution, while Papa takes over the Guild, and I want it quite clear that all sapient creatures are considered equal, please? I'm growing more and more tired of people saying that my Duergar are lesser citizens or slaves. And Slavery of course, very bad, death penalty and all that, I love you and I'm sorry for giving you the responsibility. Good luck." I nodded firmly, ending the conversation, and looking back at my paperwork.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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