Not everybody runs, not everybody leaves

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Surrounded by stacks of brown boxes, Gabriella let out a sigh, slowly wandering through her home with a glum look scrawled upon her face, tracing her finger against the thick black marker writing on panels of each box, an intense sickly feeling riddled within her stomach as she wondered if it was really the end, if once again she would be torn away from the one person who means everything to her, forced to start fresh with people she doesn't know, in a city she doesn't know, a state she doesn't know with parents who can't seem to agree on anything from what to have for dinner, to whether or not moving half way across the country is going to help the family or not.  

Despite everything happening around her, the thought of her parents getting a divorce even though they had told her numerous times that was never going to happen, the thought of starting fresh, the leaving behind memories, none of those were the cause of the long lasting hurt that was paining her chest – it was the thought of being estranged from Justin once more.

Her parents divorcing wasn't that great of a fear, she was old enough to understand that nothing could last forever and given the lies, the secrets and the deceit entwined with their family it didn't come as that much of a surprise to her – hence why when she found out that her father had a meeting with his lawyer who specializes in divorce she didn't flicker an eyelash, or feel her heart drop, she merely shrugged and rolled her eyes.

And even though she adored her friends, the people she has known for years and those she has only known for a few months, she knew that even if she was to move those who truly mattered and cared about her would always stay in touch with her, visit when they can, and not simply forget her – like Bella, and Leo.

Or at least, they happen to be the only two who she cared about enough to be hesitant over leaving.

But it was him who she didn't want to leave behind.

Leaving Justin behind was the reason for her sleepless nights, the tear stains on her pillow case and the feeling within the pit of her stomach that was refusing to disappear no matter how hard she tried to rid herself of it.

How could she say goodbye to him when they are finally at such a stage in their relationship where they are practically in a relationship, holding hands in public, spending time together and alone, sharing a plate of fries in the local diner, huddled in the corner, kissing every now and then while they share personal jokes about that moment we had in his car, the very moment that caused her legs to ache and her body to tremble repeatedly, over and over again.

Everything was so heated during such a moment between them that they didn't even care that they were in a car, parked up by a quiet secluded beach, the car rocking, moans filling the air constantly because one round wasn't enough, not when they had been waiting to be together in such a way for over a year without voicing that they were lusting after one another.

Gabriella couldn't loose him again, not again – not while she is old enough to understand the hurt that would come with it this time around.


"Your dad told me I would be able to find you out here." Gabriella turned at the sound of a raspy tired voice hitting her ears, her eyes meeting with Justin's as he walked out into her garden, smiling at her as she sat by the pool with her legs in the water; "And I saw all of the boxes, I guess it's really happening, huh."

Letting out a sigh, he sat down beside her, only without his legs and feet in the water; "You're really leaving again?" his voice was riddled with defeat, not wanting to show that he was completely destroyed over the thought of losing her again, but finding it impossible to keep it hidden.

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