Chapter 11

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After that day, Mingyu tried to find opportunities to be able to speak to me again. What else was there to say? If he was getting over me, he should be staying away from me and I was already doing him that favour. I kept myself busy when he was around and stayed as far away from him as I could.

On one very unlucky day, I was stuck to sort out the clothes in the store after a mess was made of it after a busy 3 days without my presence. Yeah, weird. I know. Only Mingyu and one other person were working today. I assumed that there were barely any customers as they rarely entered the storeroom and it was pretty quiet besides the music playing.

I heard an exhausted sigh as the door opened. Mingyu came in and slumped in a chair nearby.

"There is barely anyone today so Lis got me to go in and rest a bit," he told me.

I kept quiet, not replying him in any way.


I hummed, as I stood on my tiptoes to arrange the clothes on the higher shelf.

"Do you still have feelings for me?" he asked out of the blue.

At that moment, I lost my balance and caused a heap of clothes to fall. Some of them hit me in the face and it was embarrassing. The chair screeched as he got up to help me.

"Are you ok? Did that question give you a shock? I'm sorry," he apologised, picking up the fallen clothes.

I shook my head and picked them up myself. I attempted to put them back myself but he stopped me and did it for me instead. Yay. Tall people.

"I think you should be the one resting. You've been in here all day," he told me.

I refused and carried on sorting the lower shelves. He stood, looking at me as I did my work. I eventually got too distracted by him standing there that I stopped and turned to him.

"No, I don't have feelings for you. You hurt me so my heart is closed. But now we're working so we're just colleagues," I told him sharply.

"I'm really sorry about that. I never meant for things to turn out like that. This is the first time I've been in love so I had no idea how to handle it," he defended himself.

"We're working so let's not talk about this-"

"I'm taking a break now and you always run off after work so I can't find any other opportunity to talk to you," he cut me off.

I argued that there was nothing to talk about but he insisted he had to know how I felt. Truly.

"Like I said. I don't have feelings for you. You're just a mere colleague to me. End of discussion," I told him.

He nodded.

"I guess that's all then. We can both agree no one is pursuing the other? No feelings whatsoever?" he confirmed with a glint of disappointment.

"Yes. Nothing. We're just colleagues," I forced a smile.

He gave an acknowledgment before leaving the room, looking down on the floor. I shrugged and went back to work. But my heart was heavier. It was as if what I said to him added weight to my heart. Nonetheless, I was relieved that I officially got him off my back.

Days passed and I could work with a clearer mind after knowing what he felt. We were starting anew so this should be good. I could get over him faster I guess.


"It's so hard to find guys who are perfect! You know, those who are good-looking, can cook and take care of you and everything!" one of my co-workers expressed her frustration.

"Mingyu cooks a pretty mean Bulgogi," I blurted out without thinking.

I quickly bit on my tongue, cursing at myself for potentially exposing my relationship with Mingyu.

"Yeah, I wish! Nice try, Ji-yeon but I don't think he can really cook," she remarked, laughing.

I was so close to hitting her but I laughed it off. (How dare she say he can't cook!) At least what I said was not taken seriously. It would be inconvenient if they found out I used to date Mingyu. The staff would go berserk and rain questions down on me mercilessly.


I finally ended work. I went over to the lockers and unlocked mine. Not long later, Mingyu came by and opened his. We both took out our bags simultaneously and closed our lockers. I looked over at him. If I recalled the schedule, I ended earlier than him.

"You end work now too?" I asked.

He nodded and gestured to his watch. I struck a realization and facepalmed.

"Oh yeah, I worked overtime. Haha silly of me," I giggled.

He held the storeroom door open for me and I thanked him. We walked out the shop and I waved farewell to my envious co-workers. They had bitter faces seeing me leave with him.

"Don't worry! I'm not interested in guys like him!" I reassured them with a laugh.

(oof my heart just- um nevermind.)

Mingyu and I were headed to the same bus stop but took different buses.

"Are you hungry?" he asked to break the silence.

My last meal was 4 hours ago. I was feeling a little hungry but what if it was a follow-up question to eat out with him? I was not going to risk it.

"Not really. My lunch was pretty filling enough," I lied.

He respected that and nodded. We sat next to eat other at the bus stop and stared out at the road in utter silence. It had gotten pretty awkward ever since the other day. We did not converse much. We only talked about work.

"So... Yoojeong asked me yesterday if I could cook Bulgogi..." he spoke up.


"I said yes but she did not believe me. So now I need to cook it in front of her eyes and let her be the judge of it," he told me, pretty bitterly.

He did not really like it when people underestimated him. Well, that was me when I first met him too. Ah, I felt kind of bad for jumping to conclusions but then again, he did prove to not be the best person. But then again, maybe I was expecting too much? I don't know... Ah, what am I thinking???

"Ji-yeon? You zoned out?" Mingyu called out, waving his hand in front of my face.

I blinked and shook myself back to reality. I lightly slapped my cheeks and apologised.

"Why? Were you daydreaming about the bulgogi I made before?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"No. I don't even remember how it tastes like. Not like I even want to taste your cooking," I said, rolling my eyes.

He sulked but quickly returned back to his smiley self. Soon after that, my bus arrived and I had to leave. I quickly got on the bus. THANK YOU, BUS DRIVER.

Once I got home, I connected my phone to my home wi-fi. I received some messages. One of the senders was Yoojeong. While waiting for all my notifications to come in, I poured myself a glass of water.

Yoojeong: OMG I ASKED MINGYU IF HE COULD COOK BULGOGI AND HE SAID YES. I told him I didn't believe him so basically now I probably need to go over to his house to watch him cook it and taste it to be proven wrong. I JUST GOT INVITED TO MINGYU'S HOUSE! WOOOOO!

Me: Kk. Is that all why you messaged me?

Yoojeong: No. I want to ask you along! How about this Sunday? Do you think he lives with his family though?

At that moment, I literally choked on the water I was drinking. I had to cough it out and take some time to absorb what she just texted me. No way. Not there again...

"Ji-yeon?? Are you ok? I heard you coughing really badly," Hye-won asked with concern as she held up the towel she wrapped around her head.

"Do we have any plans on Sunday? Anything??" I asked.

She shook her head. I dismissed her and she returned to her room, confused. I frantically looked through my calendar and past messages for any plans I might have on Sunday.

None. I was totally free.

Me: I want to chill on Sunday though...

Yoojeong: Yeah, this will be very chill. AND FREE FOOD!

Me: With a side of stomach ache?

Yoojeong: Come on! I don't think he would be THAT bad. Anyways, you were the one who joked he made some pretty mean bulgogi. You could see if you indeed jinxed yourself.

I wasn't even joking when I said that but she read it as a joke! This was not going well... Ugh...

ME: Umm... no?

Yoojeong: OK! I'll pick you up at your home at 12.12pm.

ME: I really have no choice, do I? .-.

Yoojeong: See ya then!

What luck! Every time I tried to stay away from Mingyu, I was just brought closer to him. Why? Can life throw me another man who is NOT Kim Mingyu??

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