chapter 87

341 17 6

When you see the bold at the end read it 🙃 might contain some information you might wanna know about and some what little info for the next chapter ♥ thanks

it might contain some information you might wanna know about and some what little info for the next chapter ♥ thanks

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Next day

Quita is ringing the door bell

*jazz*hold on here i come (she opened the door)

*quita*hey jazz

*jazz*hey what brings you by

*quita*i need to talk to trey

*jazz*he's cooking so he in the kitchen


Jazz and quita went in the kitchen

*trey*oh hey momma


*trey*you hungry?

*quita*nah im fine but i came by to tell you something


*quita*so your dad told me something a few days ago

*trey*umm something like what (he turned around)

*quita*he said that you have another sister that you haven't meet

*trey*wait a minute...a what...a sister?


*trey*why im i just now finding out

*quita*ik your father have been keeping it a secret from us this whole time and she just found out about you a few days ago and she wants to meet you

*trey*uhh i dont know how old is she

*quita*she is 16

*trey*bruh wtf.. excuse my language ma why im i just finding out about this me and this girl dont have a bond like me and my other sisters do also we dont even know nothing about each other.. And why is all of this just now coming up

*quita*if you want thoes questions answered call your dad here is his number (gave him his dad number)

*trey*i just cant believe this i wanna meet up with her today

*quita*but thats why i came by and just call him or whatever you going to do i love yall have a good day

*j&t*love you too bye

She left jazz locked the door and she went back in the kitchen

*jazz*you ok bae

*trey*no like this shit is crazy 16 my dawg 16 i don't know her and she don't know me im more mad that my dad didn't tell me but whatever let me call this number

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