OCTOBER 09, 2018

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So.. This is the start of the book, well journal to be exact but it's kinda very late ya know? We started it in august? Completed our 1st month and I do it 2 months after the day we confessed to each other? Oof.

Anyways, this is it's first entry and hello reader welcome to the start of a Journal that I'm planning to continue till college

Entry no.1

"Today was fun you know? Being part of the documentary team together, being her seatmate in class, being her neighbor, we even ride the same bus together."

"I would have gotten my other journal entries from twitter but she said not to so here's my technically 1st journal entry."

"As part of the documentary team, I was their cameraman, and so I took many pictures of her and her friends... I wasn't part but taking the pics and seeing her smile is already enough for me.. I've already taken millions of pictures of you Ria, with my eyes and mind as it's memory card."

"Honestly I wish I would'nt lose you so I can keep on taking the pictures I want to keep."

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