OCTOBER 10, 2018

6 0 0

Entry number 2

Well the second entry of my Journal, it was a nice day clear skies and a purplish sunset, we both knew that today was our day :)

The day, well... had a bad start and all but later on we both spent time with each other and that we enjoyed it, I had a terrible headache and my costochondrities was attacking at the same time, we all know what she did. She took them all away, except the headache, like... that was really painful ._.

After my orchestra rehearsal, I went to see her at the library to be found laughing with someone else... and my chest just..

It wasn't costochondritis, I guess I overthought that she would start to get tired of my presence and like someone else...

So I stayed quiet..

But later on I told her about my overthinking problem and she reassured me, she reassured me that she wouldn't leave me, and my chest started to become light :))

We hanged out, told stories, I even got to play around with her headband :3

And now, I wrote this story in the bus heading home, while she is sleeping in my shoulder

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