Untitled Part 1

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gfcf children of this generation, what are, we search yes this is hard, so I need no one pretending this is easy, I am a young soul. I am hidden, this is a falt of my own , and believe me I fight to be in the front lines, but after all that has happened in life, my scared hart, I must do what I can were I stand, do I get scared do I get taken over yes,  but this is the fight. we live in an ellution and the more I look into it, the more my eyes are opned to this, but build up your armor, this is no life an death situation, we don't turn to dust when we die,de

I am sorry but the idea of End came from stories, because storyses end

no that is no use, us we are human at this stage, but by far we are eternal beings. so the pain you may go through their will be an end meaning their is a point to fight, because at the ending of this mortal life, is  forever and ever, is what God showed us as everlasting life. their is no death after. and this concept was given us by God, read by man in the bible, revealed through profites, that is why this concept is so known to us it is second nature to as much as are mortal minds can. know what this means, so if we know what its means and yes it was reviled to us, well than one would ask us than, what is are mission here, because in the ancent proficys that are the Bible it says that this all part of some elabret plan, so why not read it, 

in are human minds is not their a curiousidty that burns with in us, to search, someone is their who by God is said to be bound to help us. it is his responsabilty yes it says that he is bound by it, yes the the God of the univers is bound, the lord and creater of everything says. that this will come to pass. and if you call apon him he will save you, yes that if you are clean, and humble before him he will, protect, you

yes is not called by profits by Jesus father,

Dear Father in heaven, yes dear friend, year glorious lorad and savior, who 

will save us, but 

you have to come to him, because like going after the one and leaving the 99

he has forever been going unto you, and its

like a human as we know it, reaching out a hand, to the other who has fallen, and saying 

dear friend dear equel. "let me help you up, so you may life you life> please take my hand"

but you refused and mock him, but in this situation, you are paralyzed, yes being trapled over by all manner of creatires, and your feet are stuck in quick sand. and you are a child, and he has taken you along this path, yes you are a young child, and he took you on this path to teach you how to walk, and you left him, and as a young  child you need his help, yes he has grown

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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