Dean X Reader

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Why did Dean have to be like this? All I wanted to do was help on a hunt and when I get a small scratch he freaks out. I don't understand, I mean I was the one who saved Sam and him from the big bad multiple times and they expect me to just sit on my hands and do nothing. It's not fair. If Dad, if Bobby was still alive he would have been able to reason with them but he can't, and I never was able to. They would do anything if there power to protect me, even if it meant hurting others and today is the day I have finally had enough. I wasn't going to let them push me around anymore, and by this point, I think it's time for Dean to see that I'm not here for a show.

He walked into the kitchen holding a bottle of beer in his hands which wasn't a rare sight after a hunt. Honestly, I was afraid to say something, because what if he never forgave me again? I would never be able to forgive myself, I wasn't ready to lose him, I just didn't want him to treat me like this anymore.

"Dean, we need to talk."

His bright green eyes widened and I could see worry consume him, he even put the bottle down to listen to what I had to say. I was sort of happy, he wouldn't do that for Sam or Cas, he only did that when he was listening to me. God how I loved his eyes.

"Okay, what about?"

His voice was deep and rough like he was expecting it to be bad, which killed me a little inside, but for me to stay with him this conversation needed to happen.


Dean loosened up and rolled his eyes while he leaned against the table with his hands, I guess he saw this coming.

"You can't freak out every time I get hurt, Dean-"

Suddenly and randomly he threw his fists against the table, I stood up from my seat taking a strong stance. He didn't get to do that to me, he didn't get to slam his fists on the table.

"y/n, I just don't want you to get hurt!"

"Well, safe isn't in the job description!"

"I don't want to lose you!"

"Well, I'm not a little kid anymore Dean! So stop treating me like one, it's not fair! I can't stay in the bunker for every hunt!"

"Yes, you can! And you will!"

Now it was my turn to slam my fists against the table, he did it to me so I'll do it to him. He can't lock me in the basement forever. It's cruel and honestly, I love hunting, ever since the day I was born, it's been my entire life.

"No Dean I won't! Your not the boss of me!"

"You will listen to me-"

"No Dean! No, I won't."

I shook my head and held back a waterfall of tears that threatened to leave my eyes. I just wanted us to talk about this, not make it into a full on the fight about it, but clearly, I'm not allowed to do what I love with Dean so it's clear I'm not needed anymore, because keeping me safe is better than keeping me happy. I ran towards the garage door and threw on Dean's brown leather jacket that he lent to me and I haven't had the chance to give back yet. THen I ran over to a Harley Davidson, black motorcycle, started the engine. And drove away. It happened so quick, and when I looked back I saw Dean in the rearview mirrors, he was crying. His face was pale, and in his hand, there was a small box.

He opened it revealing a ring, my heart stopped, but not right now. I couldn't go back now. We needed time to cool off, and hopefully, it wouldn't take an eternity. So now, I'm alone, all alone.

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