1| Trying

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You know what I fucking hate? I hate how much of a dumb ass I am. Like... why the fuck is school so hard for me. I study for hours to try and make my life easier and I still end up with a shitty grade? It was almost as if everything I had been reading suddenly became a foreign language. "Fuck!" I yelled out as loud as I could in the midst of a mental crisis. "Shantel, wake the fuck up bitch! I need to copy your homework." Hopping off of my bed to walk a few feet over to hers, I began to pull on her leg. My beautiful best friend since childhood, started to shift around. Her messy jet black hair was situated all over the place, she looked like that grudge chick. "Pleaseeeeeee!"

"Erggg, get the fuck off me you hoe" she groaned. I watched as the model began to slowly gather herself together and arise from the dead. "What time is it?"

Letting out a sigh, "It's four fifteen in the morning."

Shantel's eyes widened, her face started to slowly reflect an image of fury. "Skylar Ashton Cadwell, you did not just wake me up at FOUR. FIFTEEN. IN. THE. MORNING!"

Bruh, ever since this bitch was attempting to quit her juul, she's been so moody.

"Calm your tits Shan, I was having trouble with my homework!"

"You do know I have an eight fifteen tomorrow right?" The dark haired girl questioned as she raised herself up from the bed. Shantel had on a red silky night gown which was so much more extra compared to the groutfit I had on.

"Ya never wake up in time for it anyways?" I shot back. It was true, she always skipped her classes, we both did.

Her eyes rolled so fast, I knew it had to hurt. "Bitch, I'm trying to get out of academic probation, unlike you."

The difference between Shantel and I had been that she didn't procrastinate as much as I did. The model had to do good at our college since her modeling agency actually provided some money for her to get a degree. Apparently, they wanted their girls to be more than just a pretty face. Believe me, I was doing my homework and trying... it was just hard for me since I slacked so much back in high school.

"I'm begging you, I really don't understand statistics?" My voice had been desperate for help.

"Bitch, I don't either?" The black haired girl laughed. "Ask you-know-who for help?"

Ah, you-know-who.

We never said her name, it was a rule of mine. I didn't want to hear it because if I did, I'd be reminded of heart break. What hurt the most about Kiersten Angeles was how perfect she seemed to be in my eyes. Throughout most of my life, I've only seen bad things because of who I surrounded myself with or how I'd portray things to be. However, when I met the innocence of a literal, broken girl, my fascination began to long her. She was smart, pretty, sweet, fragile, and caring. Angeles and I texted sometimes, remaining good friends; but, it wasn't the same? Her "I love you" was different than mine because her's was in a friendly matter.

"I don't want to be a burden to her anymore?" I vocalized back. "She already constantly checks to make sure I'm sober since her daddy paid for my rehab."

Though a few years have passed by, I still loved and cared deeply for Kiersten. It wasn't the same type of love that I had back when I was seventeen, however, it was enough for me think about how she's doing from time to time.

Shantel began to rub her eyes with her hands that looked as if they were balled up into fists. "Bro, she legit is always opened to help you out, just text her? Damn." My best friend grumpily fell back onto her bed and under her covers in a fetal position.

I Absolutely Hate Kit Kats (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now