Another Sucessful Day of Adventuring

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Sparkies P.O.V.

It was a busy day for Saturn and I, we had rescued Dunsparce twice, once from Stomp Stump Peak then from the Pawniard brothers and their flunkies. I sighed in relief once the battle was over.

"Hah...." The Pawniard brothers panted and then collapsed, the flunkies retreated in fear and the brothers followed them "W-We did it!!" Saturn cheered. We celebrated for a few moments before Saturn looked at Gurdurr and the Timburr, and even at Virizion "How'd you know we were here? And how'd you know we were in trouble?" Saturn questioned and tilted his head "I told them" Virizion spoke and Emolga glared at her "Like WE needed help!" I jumped in with a sigh "No we might've been seriously injured if she didn't bring Gurdurr and the Timburr, just think about it, ok?" I said then went to speak to Virizion "Thank you, But how did you know we were here really?" I questioned, sitting down as Virizion replied "I heard you both talking with Quagsire. I didn't hear all of it but it was enough to put the pieces together, so I went to Gurdurr and the Timburr in case there were more Pokémon than we thought for" She said and my ear twitched "Well thanks for helping" Saturn said then turned to Emolga and Dunsparce, asking them if they wanted to join their Paradise. "I want to join!" Dunsparce said and Emolga sighed "I don't have any arguments if Dunsparce wants to join" he replied as I smiled "well welcome aboard then!" I exclaimed and stood up on my hands and feet excitedly as Saturn nodded happily. "Excuse me... may I join your paradise as well?" Virizion asked politely "YOU just say anything that comes to mind don't you?! If your just toying with us we don't need you in our paradise!" He exclaimed and Virizion tilted her head "Toying with you... yes I can see how you would think that..." she said "but tell me, is there no way I can join you guys?" She asked and Saturn stared at her, completely dumbfounded before speaking "Sure! You can join!" He exclaimed and Emolga backed up in shock "WHAT?! Saturn are you sure about this?!" He asked then looked at me and I shrugged

Saturns P.O.V.

I looked at Sparkie as she shrugged and then I smiled as she responded "I'm not changing his mind about this... I know I'm technically the leader and I need to be making these decisions but he can make these decisions too from time to time, I trust him" She said, what she said made me happy and excited, then I looked at Emolga "Yes I'm sure Emolga. Surely we can trust her right?" I asked and I could've sworn I saw Sparkie smile out of the corner of my eye, then she yawned and spoke "We should probably go back to Paradise and try to build it up some..." she murmured, looking at me and I nodded, then she turned to Gurdurr "hey Gurdurr, Timburr, thanks for helping us beat the Pawniard brothers, I appreciate it" she said as I walked ahead, Emolga, Dunsparce and Virizion following behind me, their talking soon grew faint, then I heard tiny footsteps running towards us, 'Sparkie...' I thought, though I didn't turn to look. I heard a giggle before I was tackled playfully, then I laughed and exclaimed "I knew it!" I said and Sparkie giggled before getting up and walking to the dungeon exit.

Sparkies P.O.V.

~~Small Time Skip~~

I sighed then flopped in the soft grass in the Pleasant Plains we had just finished helping Gurdurr and the Timburr with, I was tired if I'm being honest but there was plenty of daylight left and I didn't want to ruin Saturns fun, he was running around excitedly in the Plains while I was smiling, then I got up, stretching. "Hey Sparkie! What should we build over here?!" Saturn shouted and I ran over "What are the options?" I asked, tilting my head "Oran field... Sunken Treasure.... Some shops and Dojos...." he murmured then smiled a little, then I giggled softly and replied "I'd say... Oran field... it would be very handy if we were to run low on Oran Berries" I said then started to help Gurdurr and the Timburr, as did Saturn. When we were done I flopped in the grass, exhausted, ready to fall asleep, I knew someone was behind me but I didn't take any notice of it. "Sparkie do you need any rest?" Saturn asked and I jumped, sparks of electricity flickering from my red cheeks "woah woah I'm sorry!" He exclaimed and I sighed "it's ok... and yeah I guess I do but I didnt want to ruin your fun..." I said, looking down sadly

Ok so I have NEVER written an Pokémon fan fiction I just thought of doing one today and I was going to make Sparkie have a bad dream but I couldn't do that in such a short time with me having a bedtime limit I apologize
Sparkie- Pikachu
Saturn- Axew
(That's if you didn't know)

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