3 0 0

I'm going out of my brain 

feeling insane 

Asking questions 

What is love?

Will I ever find it?

I've been broken 

I've been shattered 

What is even dark matter 

I'm not flattered 

I stand with the Black Panthers 

to launch an attack 

without getting stab in the back 

Our community is full with guns and crack 

and the whites call us bums

while they sip on their cotton rum 

they say this is a white mans world

and let the black man crawl 

or watch us have a brawl 

they think we kill but we are home plying games like fortnite 

but I the dark you see cops and bright lights 

ready to make you say good night 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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