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I was handcuffed before being led out of the house and thrown into one of the several police cars surrounding my house. All I could think of was how they were able to find me. I was curious to find out if any of the guys had sold me out. Did any of them get caught?

We eventually arrived at the police station, where I was pulled out of the car and led to a room for, what I was guessing, interrogation. I was led to a dull room while I waited for an officer or guard. Soon enough, a scrawny officer, maybe in his mid fourties, walked in and took a seat in the chair on the other side of the wooden table. "Alright, Perez. I take it that y'know why you're here, am I correct?", he said, chuckling at his stupid comment.

Obviously I know why, dipshit, I thought to myself. I decided to stay quiet, other than the mumbling to myself and cursing him out under my breath while I eyed the wall clock.

"Okay, anyway. Does the name Chresanto August, y'know, sound familiar to you?", he spoke slow. Again, I decided that I'd rather not speak. The officer leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, staring at me while he waited for my answer... which he wasn't getting.

"Alright, let me try this again", he started, taking a deep breath signifying his frustration, "Do yo or do you not recognize the name Chresanto August?".

I remained quiet. We both did, giving each other death stares for what felt like hours. I could tell the silence was killing him slowly and if looks could kill, we'd both be dead.

The officer took one more deep breath before slamming both palms on the table and standing up, making his way over to where I was sitting. "Dammit, Perez", he said standing way too close for comfort, "I'm done playing your fucking game, so either you answer me or we can go look for your damn cell".

I finally decided to speak up. "Fine." The officer finally backed up and sat down and I silently thanked God.

He ordered me to speak.

"Okay well", I paused, quietly laughing about what I was going to say, "Your breath smells like hot ass. Smells like you shoved your took brush up your ass this morning. An-". He cut me off.

"Get the fuck out, Perez!", he yelled, drawing the attention of the the two officers waiting outside. He did tell me to speak, right? They aggressively pulled, or should I say dragged, me to my cell, which happened to be on the first floor of the jail. "Next time don't try to be funny, Perez.", one of the officers spoke.

"Wasn't trying.", I replied back with a hint of attitude in my voice.

The officer that was in the room for my questioning, which I learned from his name tag was Lieutenant Brooks, pushed me into the cell and locked it before watching the other two officers walk off. "Listen here, Perez", he said, putting emphasis on my name and taking two big steps to the cell's entrance, "I'm gonna make your stay here a living hell, boy. Trust and believe me on that, son". He squeezed an orange jumpsuit through the bars, letting it fall on the dirty floor. I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth while I picked it up, making sure he saw every ounce of attitude I was giving him.

"Don't I get to go to the bathroom and put this on." I was not about to change out in the open. I waited for him to answer, but all I got was an evil grin and an "I warned you" being mouthed to me. I gave him the finger before he walked away. Fuck this suit. I threw it on the top bunk of the bed. I plopped down on the bottom bunk, expecting it to be a little more comfortable than it was. I felt like I literally jumped on a pile a metal springs. I ignored the slight pain and rested my head in my hands. I promise, if it's the last thing I do, I am getting out of this hell hole.

As soon as I layed back on the springy mattress I heard a hand bang on the bars of the cell. it was one of the officers who led me to this cell from the interrogation room. "Court in two week, Perez". I let out a loud groan and closed my eyes.


I am so sorry for the wait. I wanted to update sooner but I had absolutely no clue how I was gonna write this story, but I got it now. Sorry if this chapter isn't long enough. I like long chapters myself but I really hated making you guys wait so here's the first chapter :)

Criminal // j.pWhere stories live. Discover now