un; "unfortunate mornings w/ a 9mm"

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I wake up, and I am suprised

Not because the sun is streaming through my window, right on my face, or because my alarm isn't the one waking me up, but because there is a pot being banged in front of my face, and well, I wasn't really expected to be woken up this way. 

Let me get one thing straight- I'm not going to say I'm not a morning person, but when you're woken up by thundering pots and pans clanging and clanking together, the definition of good morning is officially scarred. 

The unfortunate part of this morning's awakening, however, is that due to my waryness to the cruel world, the act of pulling a 9mm from under my pillow to Zaina's forehead, who happened to be only 8, might have occured.

I didn't exactly think at the moment that my little sister, Zaina, and my younger brother, Nathan, would be banging pots together at 5:16 in the bloody morning 1 foot away from my face, and since now that I lived the unfortunate life that taught me unfortunate things, loud sounds when you don't expect them are synonymous with bullets. 

Nathan, who was laughing his arse off while clanking two pans together, stopped everything when he saw that I was 3 seconds away from blowing my own sister's brain to bits and began to frantically pull the extremely confused 8 year old out of gunpoint. 

After I realized my unfortunate mistake, I put the gun down, and stared at the two absolute monkeys, and while, asked "What the hell?" 

To which they responded with by running out of my room and obnoxiously yelling out "NA-A-AN! FIFI HAS A GU-U-UN! NA-A-AN FIFI HAS A GU-U-UN!" 

To which I of course, run to cover both of their mouths before my nan hears, because I'm not exactly sure she'd like to know I have a loaded 9mm under my pillow. 

* *

[ i finally did it guys omfg im so proud i feel like vomiting but not rly bc thts disgusting buT srsly after like 8 MONTHS ITS DONE WOOO ]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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